WCS server sends REST request http://localhost:8081/EchoApp/connect upon each websocket connection attempt
This REST request contains IP of user who is trying to establish the websocket connection.
1. You can configure your own REST URL , i .e. http://myhost/myapp
2. You can handle such...
Good day.
Please make sure you've done all the steps described here: Preparing examples for building. Than you can build examples with Gradle from commad line or with Android Studio.
In this case, you have to wait for our CallKit usage example release (ticket WCS-3420). To resolve the issue, we need a reproduction. So, we implement the example and check if the issue is reproducing.
We let you know results here.
All related threads are tagged
Once the issue is resolved or if we have early builds, we will update all tagged threads.
The ticket is internal and activity is not visible.
In the latest WCS builds it is possible to set layout and other mixer parameters while creating mixer via REST API: Mixer configuration while creating the instance using REST API
Да, настройкой на стороне сервера
Необходимо настроить размеры микшера так, чтобы соотношение сторон соответствовало портретному
Имя потока трансляции экрана должно включать слово desktop (или другое слово...
We reproduced the behaviour in latest WebSDK builds. This is not a problem, but expected behaviuor in WebSDK build since 2.0.210 and newer. Please read this doc for details: Start stream playback with muted audio
So you should update WebSDK to 2.0.212 and use the stream option unmutePlayOnStart...
1. Please try to reproduce the problem with our demo server https://demo.flashphoner.com:8888/client2/examples/demo/streaming/two_way_streaming/two_way_streaming.html
2. If problem is not reproducing with demo server, please check if media ports on your server instance are available from the...
В таком случае поможет микширование: стрим с экрана + стрим с микрофона того, кто транслирует экран. И этот микшированный стрим вставлять в комнату. Создавать микшер и добавлять в него потоки можно через REST API.
В таком случае нужно модифицировать код примера до тех пор, пока проблема не...
Good day.
We added Low Power Mode detection example to Conference application in WebSDK build 2.0.212: Stream publishing and playback in Low Power Mode
You can use a minimal example from our site with step by step instructions (and here is the source code to download).
You should use stream options and constraints in the example recommended above:
function publishStream() {
stream = session.createStream({
name: "stream"...
We cannot reproduce the problem with WebSDK build 2.0.207. So seems the problem is in custom code, perhaps in video tag attributes. Please check if the problem is reproducing in Two Way Streaming example. If not, modify the example code minimally to reproduce the problem and send the code using...
What WebSDK version do you use? Please update to build 2.0.209 and check if the problem is reproducing in Two Way Streaming example. If not, modify the example code minimally to reproduce the problem and send the code using this form.
Добрый день.
Да, есть возможность захватывать аудио с микрофона отдельным потоком. Смотрите пример iOS Screen Capturer Swift
Здесь могут быть две причины:
1. Ключевые фреймы высылаются редко. В этом случае должна помочь настройка на стороне сервера
Yes you can, but wildcard looks smoother in production use.
Please clarify your case: what kind of streams you plan to record: WebRTC from browser, RTMP, RTSP?
Please also read the details about stream recording here: Stream recording
Please check if you open the sample page in browser using HTTPS. WebRTC does not work via HTTP, so you can't play the stream in client browser.
The only address where WebRTC is available via HTTP is localhost.