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  1. Max

    Не запускаются WCS Android SDK

    Добрый день. Пожалуйста, проверьте, что выполнен шаг 4 отсюда. Пути к SDK и NDK необходимо корректировать в файле export/output/local/properties. Также убедитесь, что build.gradle в Android Studio открыт из каталога export/output.
  2. Max

    WCS update while still using old client?

    Good day. You can try to use Web SDK build which contains a fix for Safari 14.0.2 on Mac OS Bug Sur publishing issue. But if you want the code to work in iOS webview, you should use at least build 2.0.171 which contains latest fixes for that. So we recommend to update your...
  3. Max

    Web call server down suddenly

    Please collect a report as described here and send using this form.
  4. Max

    Permanently Publish Stream pulled from RTMP Source Efficiently

    You can pull external RTMP stream using REST API POST /rest-api/pull/rtmp/pull HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8081 Content-Type: application/json { "uri":"rtmp://externalhost:1935/live/streamName?username=un&password=pwd", "localStreamName":"rtmp_for embed_player" } Then, you can play it...
  5. Max


    В данном случае речь идет о публикации из любого другого браузера и просмотре такого потока в Safari. Диапазон в 100 кбит/с выглядит приемлемо.
  6. Max


    Добрый день. Для 360p битрейт 450 кбит/с должен давать хорошее качество. Максимальные и минимальный битрейты, как правило, лучше не делать одинаковыми. Если они одинаковые, происходит следующее: 1. Допустим, битрейт падает ниже minBitrate. Сервер посылает REMB клиенту, чтобы тот поднял битрейт...
  7. Max

    Unable to login as admin

    Good day. By default, if you did not change anything, EC2 instance Id is used as admin password in AWS instance. But you can reset it as follows: 1. Open the file /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/database.yml in editor sudo nano /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/database.yml 2...
  8. Max

    clone new embed_player

    Good day https://wcs:8444/embed_player is a hardcoded special link, this cannot be changed. Please deploy WebSDK to you own web server, then you can make as many embed_player copies as needed.
  9. Max

    ipv6 setting

    Internal TURN server does not work via UDP, use TCP only. Plese read this doc.
  10. Max

    Starting a stream possible without authentication

    Good day. By default, you can open example page by direct link. You can prevent it by deactivating demo user: 1. Login to WCS CLI as admin ssh admin@localhost -p 2001 2. Deactivate demo user update user -a false demo In this case, you should use credentials to enter to WCS dashboard...
  11. Max

    Snapshot timeout

    Good day. The response timeout in this case is 3 seconds (fixed value). Usually, this is enough to take a stream snapshot. Please check your server configuration: for example, if you're using a minimal supported server config (1 CPU core) and trying to take 1080p stream snapshot, the CPU is not...
  12. Max

    Количество одновременных чатов

    Как отмечено в сообщении выше, количество одновременно работающих чатов 1 на 1 зависит только от количества процессорных ядер и объема памяти сервера. Ограничений в программной части нет.
  13. Max

    Количество одновременных чатов

    Добрый день. Можете ознакомиться со статьей по нагрузочному тестированию под чат между двумя пользователями. Тестовый сервер: 12 ядер, 24 потока; 80 Gb RAM; WCS 5.2.946; OpenJDK version 14.0.1 Количество стримов: 200 входящих, 200 исходящих. Эквивалент 100 одновременных видеочатов 1:1. Один...
  14. Max

    Flashphoner integration with other web app and AWS MediaLive, MediaPackages

    Hello This is working scheme. Make sure AWS MediaLive supports RTMP ingestion. Webcam > [WebRTC] > WCS > [RTMP] > AWS MediaLive See also similar forum thread Website guide: Testing...
  15. Max

    http , Too many open files Error

    Good day. By default, open files limit is set to 10000. You should increase this value by settin LimitNOFILE[/ICODE parameter in service description file [ICODE]/etc/systemd/system/webcallserver.service, for example, to 1000000 [Service] User=flashphoner Group=flashphoner LimitNOFILE=100000 ...
  16. Max

    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    Good day. Since Web SDK build 2.0.202 we've added Two Way Streaming application example in Vue.js. Please read this doc and review GitHub sources. In our tests, audio only streams are successfully playing in iOS Safari, and audio+video too.
  17. Max

    ipv6 setting

    WCS requires ip and ip_local to be IPv4 addresses, IPv6 is only additional address. In our test above, we used private IPv4 network (like Docker for example). So you should use such network. We raised the ticket WCS-3350 to implement local IPv6 setting to bind ports if this possible.
  18. Max

    ipv6 setting

    Good day. ip and ip_local should always be IPv4 addresses You should also set WCS internal TURN server to listen other port if you are using port 3478 to connect to coturn on the same host turn_port=3479 Or bind coturn to port 443 for example. Also, you should use transport=tcp. ip_v6...
  19. Max

    Останавливается запись

    Добрый день. Пожалуйста, соберите отчет, как описано здесь, и пришлите, используя эту форму. Уточните также, как играет выходной поток микшера в момент, когда проблема воспроизводится: есть ли в потоке фризы? Какова загрузка CPU в этот момент?
  20. Max

    WebRTC Player doesn't play sound in Microsoft Edge

    Microsoft dropped support for Legacy Edge. We recommend to use Chromium Edge for WebRTC publish/playback, it works just like Chrome (on which is based).