Search results

  1. Max

    Не импортируется ssl сертификат

    Добрый день, Чтобы кнопки не были заблокированы, залогиньтесь как admin (в версии 5.2.571 для такого случая добавлено предупреждение). Keystore пароль - password (по настройкам).
  2. Max

    Предупреждение об ограниченности "демо" прав.

    Добрый день. В сборке 5.2.571 на странице Certificates в веб-интерфейсе сервера поля ввода сертификатов скрыты для всех пользователей, кроме admin. Кроме того, отображается предупреждение "SSL certificates can be updated by admin only!".
  3. Max

    RTMP connect failure

    Good day. Please collect a report with debug logs as described here including traffic dump on server side on port 1935, and send to We will check. Seem like RTMP handshake differs between Android and other publishers. Please check if Android library tries to connect...
  4. Max

    How to publish a GoPro stream

    Good day. RTMP URL should be set as rtmp://server:1935/live/streamName to publish stream to WCS. If this doesn't work with the camera, please collect debug logs as described here includein traffic dump on server side, port 1935/tcp tcpdump -npi any -B 10240 -w log.pcap port 1935 and send to...
  5. Max

    Как опубликовать поток с GoPro

    Добрый день. Судя по скриншоту, поток публикуется на сервере с пустым именем. Пожалуйста, соберите логи по этой инструкции, включая дамп трафика на стороне сервера на порту 1935/tcp tcpdump -npi any -B 10240 -w log.pcap port 1935 и вышлите на, мы проверим, как именно...
  6. Max

    Как опубликовать поток с GoPro

  7. Max


    Good day. Please check if is permanently available from your server (the license is checking every 15 minutes). Also please provide us SSH access to your server (send credentials to, we will check.
  8. Max

    Video cut-off during recording

    Good day. We plan to update WCS build in AWS marketplace after some mixer and CDN transcoding fixes. You can update WCS to latest build in active AWS instance by installing new build over current one as described here. Recording issue (ticket WCS-2599) fix is already on testing stage and coming...
  9. Max

    Set Orientation For Camera

    Good day. No, iOS SDK does not support this yet.
  10. Max

    Звук на стриме у Android

    В Android SDK примере Media Devices реализовано переключение между слуховым и внешним динамиками (описание примера; код).
  11. Max

    Set Orientation For Camera

    Good day. You can use WebSDK to rotate WebRTC stream picture as described here.
  12. Max

    Не публикуется видео поток

    Мы проверили Ваши логи. К сожалению, Вы не предоставили дамп трафика, снятый на стороне сервера, который мог быть более информативным. Рекомендуем проверить доступность портов сервера 30000-33000 (tcp/udp) для входящего и исходящего трафика. Если порты доступны, а публикация все равно не...
  13. Max

    Demo License expired.

    Good day. This message is just status displaying issue. Please check the license and ports availability as described in this post.
  14. Max

    Change AWS License.

    Good day. Please check the file /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/logs/license.log. If there are the following messages in this log 00:05:14,442 INFO Subscription - Subscription Thread processSuccessPingResult result: PingResult{status='success'} 00:05:14,442 INFO...
  15. Max

    Change AWS License.

    Good day. Please clarify your problem: you have your own license and want to use it in AWS instance? If yes, please look at this post. If you have another problem, please create a separate topic and describe a problem in details including logs, screenshots, configuration files and so on. Our...
  16. Max

    Не публикуется видео поток

    Добрый день. Попробуйте увеличить количество попыток установки DTLS соединения: dtls_close_socket_after_tries=30 Это должно помочь, если канал публикации не очень стабильный. Если после этого Chrome все равно устойчиво не подключается, соберите логи и дамп трафика по этой инструкции и вышлите на...
  17. Max

    We hope this function. "Add or change overlay graphics"

    Good day. We raised internal ticket WCS-2622 and let you know in this topic. Please note that any picture customization will require transcoding which in turn will require more CPU resources.
  18. Max


    Please send to the license key and the e-mail address it is bound to.
  19. Max

    Change AWS License.

    Hello, On AWS EC2, WCS server is expected be used only in the AWS Marketplace Image with its built-in hourly license. The other license you have can be used on other hosting, Digital Ocean or dedicated server. Or, it can be returned - for that, please send the request with the license key to...
  20. Max

    Two-way Streaming - Purchased AWS WCS 5 issue

    Tried publishing using the demo Two-way Streaming on your server - publishing is working. If it is still failing for you, please verify that the browser does have have access to camera and microphone (the access is allowed and the devices are not grabbed by another application).