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  1. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Thank you so much for the help. That's sad news. I currently manage 27 WCS EC2 instances (18 in AWS Seoul, 9 in Tokyo). Most of them were installed with aws market wcs. Currently, the EC2 instance is running or stopped as needed. Origin/Edge is configured with AWS AutoScaling, so there are...
  2. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Hello Max. Thank you for check. After installing openjdk12, I configured ZGC. -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC -Xms8g -Xmx8g gc-core-~.log is also output in zgc log format But unfortunately, the results are not much different from before(default gc). Hugepages setup (p.6) skipped...
  3. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Thanks Max. I tested it on version 760. There was no difference in test results. Please tell me your public ip. I will register for aws ssh access. I will provide access information to the mariotrans server. There was one misunderstanding. Corrected. In the previous test, 1 subscribe...
  4. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Thanks Max. Sorry, but it's different from my question. I am calculating how many of the published streams can be played on an Ec2 instance (C4.2xlarge). We have to decide how many media servers we will use for our service. The publish stream (c4.2xlarge) published by OBS was pulled from...
  5. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Hello? Max I have a question in the description In the Amazon Ec2 network performace cheat sheet, the channel bandwidth of c4.2xlarge (high) is about 2gbps. When I ran iperf on c4.large before, 567mbps was measured, so the data in the cheat sheet is reliable. The results I tested on c4.2xlarge...
  6. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Thank you for reply. A test result table is attached. (Link will be deleted after 1 week) - - The spreadsheet cell value is the test condition and the highest CPU usage measured by aws...
  7. sangsoo

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    Hello. EDGE Auto Scaling Test is in progress for each EC2 instance type. 1. Published in FHD CBR 2500 in OBS, and played as many times as specified in Edge without transcoding. -I used "Load testing using WebRTC pulling". 2. The CPU usage was measured at the edge. 3. 1 stream for comparison...
  8. sangsoo

    Increased CDN nodes after applying ASG Dercrease Policy

    Thanks. I will check again by configuring all nodes with CDN 2.5.
  9. sangsoo

    Increased CDN nodes after applying ASG Dercrease Policy

    Hello. WCS Auto Scaling (Increase / Decrease) was configured in AWS. It works very well. There is one problem. While operating the WCS, EC2 Instances excluded by the Decrease policy are continuously displayed on Show Nodes. (Edge's Show_Nodes result) Of course, you can delete the "UNKNOWN"...
  10. sangsoo

    How to Initialize CDN Show_Nodes Results

    Good news. Thanks.
  11. sangsoo

    We hope this function. "Add or change overlay graphics"

    Finally did it. It's really amazing. I am very interested in this feature. Many live streaming services support it, but I have a hard time knowing how to implement it. Does wcs use ffmpeg overlay function? I am looking for information to reference. Please give a hint. Thank you for adding the...
  12. sangsoo

    We hope this function. "Add or change overlay graphics"

    Thanks for flashphoner family. I happened to hear the update about 3 days ago. (from wcs5.2 release note) I'll test it. Thank you.
  13. sangsoo

    How to Initialize CDN Show_Nodes Results

    Thank you, Max. -Currently WCS version is using v. -CDN Version is set to 2.4. I know how to restrict unnecessary access using the "cdn_allowed_ips" property. I'll refer to it. I configured the origin and edge with Amazon ASG, and the Ec2 Instance(node). After running...
  14. sangsoo

    How to Initialize CDN Show_Nodes Results

    Hello. Testing CDN in a number of ways has resulted in too many and complicated Show_Nodes results. I want to initialize the results of CDN Show_Nodes. Now we are stopping and restarting Webcallserver of all instances of CDN. The reason was that if one instance had previous CDN information, it...
  15. sangsoo

    WCS cannot be updated.

    Thank you. Richard. I think you are right.
  16. sangsoo

    WCS cannot be updated.

    Today is a lucky day. The update was successful on all EC2 instances that did not have WCS updates. Are there any changes?
  17. sangsoo

    How to configure Origin ASG using CDN2.x.

    Thanks for reply. I see. I misunderstood cdn_point_of_entry as a definition for origin only. I'll clean it up again. 1. Construct Origin A ("") as a CDN entry point 2. Origin ASG (set “Origin A” as the entry point), ELB domain is configured as “”...
  18. sangsoo

    How to configure Origin ASG using CDN2.x.

    Hello. The Edge server has already been configured with Amazon ASG. Origin also wants to configure ASG in case the publish stream increases. See the document below. - In the sample, there are 1st...
  19. sangsoo

    WCS cannot be updated.

    Dear Max. This is the result when the -k option is added. *** added 2020-06-23 I created a new server with AWS market WCS 5.2 (5.2.629) Likewise, it cannot be updated. I want to update. Thanks.
  20. sangsoo

    WCS cannot be updated.

    Dear Max. Thanks for reply. I have run your guide. Is there a problem with SSL authentication? The WCS instance is a minimum of 14 WCSs. I would like to find a way to do this rather than manual update first. Please answer me. Thanks.