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  1. andrew.n

    RTCMTLVideoView camera preview

    @Max videoView is of type RTCMTLVideoView which also is of type RTCVideoRenderer, but close function is not available. How to you get the "r" reference that you mentioned in your answer?
  2. andrew.n

    RTCMTLVideoView camera preview

    @Max Sometimes, when releasing the local media, the camera is still in use (green indicator on the dynamic island is still active) private func setupWCSLocalMedia(active: Bool) { guard let videoView = self.videoView else { return } if active { let constraints =...
  3. andrew.n

    RTCMTLVideoView camera preview

    @Max is there an option to show the camera preview, before starting a stream? Right now I use another component for that but I have some issues for device rotation and I tough it will be easier to work only with a single RTCMTLVideoView during streaming but also before starting the stream.
  4. andrew.n

    Download SDKs buttons opens Atlassian page

    I want to check if there are new SDK versions available, and I do as usual: 1. Open: 2. Click on "Download iOS SDK" 3. Check the table with the SDKs versions etc.. But right now, when I click it redirects me to Atlassian page and asks me to login: Same...
  5. andrew.n

    App crash from SDK: com.flashphoner.FPWCSApi2SessionQueue FBSSerialQueue assertBarrierOnQueue

    @Max We had a crash from the SDK few days ago: Device information: Model:iPhone 14 Pro Max Orientation: Portrait RAM free: 156.61 MB Disk free: 137.65 GB Operating System Version:16.0.0 Orientation: Portrait Jailbroken:No Crash Date:Nov 17, 2022, 2:29:48 AM Crashlytics - Stack trace check...
  6. andrew.n

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    @Max should we use the same FPWCSApi2Session object for both video stream and audio stream? or should I have 2 different session objects?
  7. andrew.n

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    @Max Yes, I have supportsVideo = true, also I have includesCallsInRecents = true, but I don't think this can affect. We couldn't make the CallKitDemo example because we have to prepare the certificates and so on... I might take a little bit to make CallKitDemo reproduce the issue. I have to...
  8. andrew.n

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    @Max the first problem was solved because I commented a few lines of code: Do you have any idea why this can happen? I don't understand how those 4 parameters can affect the execution. func reportIncomingCall(uuid: UUID, handle: String, user: User, completion: ((NSError?) -> Void)? = nil) {...
  9. andrew.n

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    @Max I did some debugging and manage to find the possible issue. So, when the app is already running, everything works perfect, BUT, when the app is closed and the device is locked, the function "func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didActivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {" is not called. I...
  10. andrew.n

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    @Max regarding CallKit intergration on iOS, right now, after reporting the incoming call to CallKit SDK, we use the following setup: FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints(audio: true, videoWidth: videoWidth, videoHeight: videoHeight) and use broadcastURLStream?.muteVideo() method. After the user opens the...
  11. andrew.n

    Swift Package Manager support
  12. andrew.n

    Swift Package Manager support

    @Max this? still open...
  13. andrew.n

    Swift Package Manager support

    @Max with Swift Package Manager support :-? this can help you ?
  14. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max Any ETA on this?
  15. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max Great, thanks, looks like the streaming is not switching from "Publishing" to "Published". Let me know when is solved.
  16. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    I tried both options, in the first place I used only on the publish stream :)
  17. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max The limit on the form is 30mb, I added the zip into a google drive, and attached the link to the ticket :)
  18. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    A small note on this, it worked to include GPUImage v3 in the project. The project had to be added manually because it's not available with CocoaPods, so firstly, you have to remove the v1 from CocoaPods and add the GPUImage v3 as a manual project into your project.
  19. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    If I press again the first line in the debugger changes: 2022-08-29 12:21:51.848065+0300 GPUImageDemoSwift[66565:4778931] [FPWCSApi2WebRTCMediaProvider] Finded device: Front Camera 2022-08-29 12:21:51.848145+0300 GPUImageDemoSwift[66565:4778931] [FPWCSApi2WebRTCMediaProvider] Try to find...