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  1. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max I'm playing around with the GPUImageDemoViewController. It worked to start the stream and play it (it uses the back camera) and I added another button to switch the camera: @IBAction func didTapSwitchButton(_ sender: UIButton) { publishStream!.switchCamera() } The camera is not...
  2. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    Also, I noticed that you use GPUImage v1 (which had the last update 6 years ago), I saw that there is a 3rd version of this framework: Did you consider to switch from v1 to v3 ?
  3. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max What about the face detection? To apply some filters only on the face of the user?
  4. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max I started to look into the project, but I want to ask, is there any documentation regarding all filters? Like a preview for us to see how all of them look like without having to test each of them ? Also, is there any guide how to create your own filter using your SDK ?
  5. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max Everything works great with the SDK, and of course, new requests came up such as using filters during the live stream. I want to ask you if you had that kind of request before, or if there is another SDK to add over the current FlashPhoner SDK to handle this request. It will be useful if...
  6. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max great achievement on that. Now, the next step is to switch to Swift Package Manager, but as you said before, we have to wait for Google WebRTC framework. They still have the same issues with SPM integration for other SDKs as well (such as GooglePlaces for example...
  7. andrew.n

    iOS SDK Project warnings displayed "arm64-apple-ios.swiftsourceinfo' is either malformed or generated ..."

    @Max I switched from manual integration to CocoaPods integration (2.6.97), and everything works like a charm. The single issue that I'm facing right now, is that XCode - Version 13.4.1 (13F100) - is showing 1 or sometimes 2 warnings after I build the project (build or build + run). Those...
  8. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max any ETA for Cocoapods integration :) ?
  9. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max Great, let me know please when CocoaPods is available, I will make the update with Cocoapods once is available.
  10. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max I've been waiting for ticket for more than 1 year :rolleyes:
  11. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max what about to have the FlashPhoner SDK provided via Cocoapods instead of having to do the upgrade manually every time :)? I asked you about cocoapods integration about 1 yeah ago...
  12. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    Yeah, I agree. Once this issue is solved, maybe they will also move to Swift Package Manager. Even GooglePlaces SDK that they provide is not on SPM yet ( ... They are moving so slow in this direction... It is important for us to move on SPM...
  13. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max check this out:
  14. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max Thank you. I build on iOS Simulator when I work on other features, nothing related to FlashPhoner SDK (or any other camera access feature) :).
  15. andrew.n

    Remove support for arm64 (VALID_ARCHS) to run on M1 mac models

    @Max There is a compatibility issue with FlashPhoner SDK on M1 architecture. I still can run the project from Xcode on my iPhone, but if I try to run it on the simulator is not working anymore. (Everything works ok on my intel MacBook, the issue only happens on M1)...
  16. andrew.n

    Swift Package Manager support

    @Max add a mention to them... or fork it FPWCSJSONModel & FPWCSSocketRocket where you add the SPM configuration :)...
  17. andrew.n

    Swift Package Manager support

    @Max any update on this one? :)
  18. andrew.n

    Call Kit and Flashphoner

    @Max Hey Max, we added the new SDK and it works pretty well, except for only one issue. So we have the following scenarios: ✅If the app is in the foreground everything works fine. ✅If the phone is unlocked and the app is in the background everything works fine. ✅If the phone is unlocked and the...
  19. andrew.n

    Swift Package Manager support

    @Max what about a time frame? Q2, Q3, Q4 this year?