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  1. M

    WCS start issue

    We've done and even disable de iptables, but the problem still persists. It seems that the problem is related to RMI service: 09:09:05,181 ERROR ystemOverviewService - Timer-1 Could not find RMI service [rmi://localhost:1098/NodeApi] in RMI registry; nested exception is...
  2. M

    WCS start issue

    I've been checking this: root@guti:/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.0.2526/logs/server_logs# netstat -anp | grep 1099 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 11830/java unix 2 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1098109983 11830/java...
  3. M

    WCS start issue

    HEllo, I've sent that info to support mail. M
  4. M

    WCS start issue

    Thanks for your reply. It seems that asterisk was listening that port, but anyway, I remove it and I have still the problem. In fact, now we have : root@guti:/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.0.2526/logs/server_logs# netstat -anp | grep java tcp 0 0
  5. M

    WCS start issue

    Thanks again max. We have solved the problems with the webscoet connection, but there's still something wrong. I've followed your steps (deleting database) , but when I restart the WCS it crash and it doesn't yo update logs anymore. To be more exact here we have the tails of my logs...
  6. M

    WCS start issue

    Hi again, in the previous post I mentioned that it started to work, but actually it doesn.t. To be more exact, the calls only work when we restart the WCS. Here you have the traces I got: tail -f flashphoner.log 09:59:33,728 INFO WCS4Handler - API-ASYNC-pool-2-thread-12 onConnect...
  7. M

    WCS start issue

    Great! It works again Thanks a lot!
  8. M

    WCS start issue

    Hi, WCS server has started to fail suddenly. Although we see that the status is OK: root@guti:/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.0.2526/logs/server_logs# service webcallserver status ● webcallserver.service - SYSV: WebCallServer Init Script Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/webcallserver; bad...
  9. M

    URGENT: Panel management reset password

    Great, it works. Thanks a lot.
  10. M

    URGENT: Panel management reset password

    Hi again, my certificates have expired and I have to upload them ASAP but I need to access to the panel. My customers are complaining and I'd really appreciate some help from the Forum to reset my passwords. Thanks a lot in advance.
  11. M

    Panel management reset password

    Hi, I can't access to my management control panel: . It seems that my user pass doesn't work. How can I reset the password? Thanks in advance
  12. M

    URGENT: Panel management reset password

    Hi, I can't access to my management control panel: . It seems that my user pass doesn't work. How can I reset the password? Thanks in advance
  13. M

    DTMF supported from mobile apps for webRTC? (iOS and android)

    Great, thabks a lot for the job
  14. M

    DTMF supported from mobile apps for webRTC? (iOS and android)

    Thanks. It seems that Android SDK already supports it, but not sure about iOS. Do the new releases of iOS sdk support it? BR Mario
  15. M

    SIP examples not working

    Thanks a lot, we have modified it and it works!. However now we have a new issue that we have reported in other thread. BR Mario
  16. M

    Webrtc to SIP fails . Flashphoner cancels the ca

    Hi friends, although we have our Flashphoner Web Call Server working for a long time, we have configured a new scenario and it fails. To be exact, we use a webrtc client (android) that calls to the WCS. WCS gateway converts the call to SIP that is sent to asterisk PBX and we have this...
  17. M

    SIP examples not working

    Hi, I have the same problem: ', visibleName='null', inviteParameters=null, mediaProvider='WebRTC', sipMessageRaw='null', isMsrp=false, target='null', holdForTransfer=false} 11:36:04,118 INFO WCS4Handler - API-ASYNC-pool-21-thread-6769 Wrong invite params: Wrong invite params...
  18. M

    Multiple domains

    Hi friends, I'm using WCS as a webrtc-SIP gateway for voice calls from android and iOS to asterisk . It works fine, but it seems that we can only use one sip domain. In fact we define it here: /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/ domain
  19. M

    phonemin ios crashes

    Great! it worked. Thanks a lot for your support
  20. M

    phonemin ios crashes

    Hi again, we have followed the proccess, first to get the letsencrypt files and after to upload the files to flashphoner, but we get this error message from the WCS server: Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Fri Dec...