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  1. H

    Flashphoner auto resize frame to 4:3

    Hi I'm using Flashphoner wcs 5.1.3611. i have a camera DVR, when i view camera in DVR it's fullscreen is 16:9 resolution, but when i view on WCS, it only 4:3 resolution. This is screen when view in DVR And this is screen when view in FlashPhoner WCS How can i view the same DVR resolution on...
  2. H

    Cant record RTSP camera

    Hi Max I see, the RTSP stream auto record when i play. But it does't meet my needs. I need a record button and only record when i click to record button. Thanks
  3. H

    Cant record RTSP camera

    Hi Max I'm testing record RTSP camera. On, i have added "record_rtsp_streams=true". But i can't record RTSP stream. My wss urlServer: wss:// password@ipcamera/unicast/c5/s1/live RTSP URL view in Embed Player normally. What...
  4. H

    Can't access to WCS Manage CLI

    hi Max From Linux server through SSH, i access by admin@localhost success. Thanks for support. hqphuong.
  5. H

    Can't access to WCS Manage CLI

    Hi Max This i listened my WCS Process From my computer, i can telnet to WCS server by port 2000 But when i use putty to connect WCS server by port 2000 it only black screen. What wrong? Thanks
  6. H

    Can't access to WCS Manage CLI

    Hi Max My WCS version : v. - 5.1.3356-584520f10d3cbac576cbe67fbfadc11d2111cbb0 When i use putty to logon WCS manager CLI, it failed 1. Use ssh port 22 2. Use ssh port 2000 What wrong when i connect to WCS manager CLI? Thanks hqphuong
  7. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max i want manage WCS by CLI, but when i using putty login to wcs by Root user then use cli: ssh -p 2000 localhost , it's error: How can i access to WCS by CLI for add more WCS users? Thanks
  8. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max When WCS create 1 embed code. ex: <iframe id='fp_embed_player' src='https://ipwcs:8888/embed_player?urlServer=wss://ipwcs:8443&streamName=rtsp://username:password@ipcamera:554/onvif-stream1&mediaProviders=WebRTC,Flash,MSE,WSPlayer' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' frameborder='0'...
  9. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Now i opening both TCP and UDP and it run ok. Thanks
  10. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max So i must open ports 30000 -32000/UDP or TCP or Both? Thanks
  11. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max I changed ip={My wcs external ip}, rtc_ice_add_local_interface=true in but it still failed when play embed from internet I sended new wcs log for u. Thanks.
  12. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max I NAT WCS server to Internet. From internet i can access to WCS by https://ippiblish:8888, but when i play embed player on wcs, it failed. On firewall i opened ports: 8888, 8443, 34001-35000. from LAN Internal, i can play embed nomally. Please check log. I sended to
  13. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max WCS run ok, but sometime on the screen pop up Flashphoner icon. Is it dependent on license? Tks
  14. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max It's ok Thank you very much.
  15. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max I changed camera to H.264 type. And Update WCS to ver 5.1.3356 when i test with H.264 encoder type , it does'nt Failed error but it is black screen. Can u help me check new log. I sended for U. Tks
  16. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    hi Max I sended log for u. Thanks
  17. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max I tested 2 case and failed all. Thanks
  18. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi Max My camera username and password is admin:123456. It don't has any @ character in username or password. So i must change URI = "rtsp://admin:123456%42172.16.51.74:7070/onvif-stream1" ? Thanks
  19. H

    WCS 5.1 Failed when play RTSP camera

    Hi. 1. I have a WCS 5.1 on local. My ACTI camera can view by VLC, but when i test on WSC, it failed. 2. My WCS stay in local and behind a Firewall. Now i want publish it to Internet, what port to NAT it on FW ( view video only, not audio)? Thanks