ios sdk

  1. yusufmachsar

    IOS loudspeaker to Phonemin

    Can I use the loudspeaker feature during a call on my phone? Because what I found uses audio calls with very low volume, is there any tutorial or example code to add a loudspeaker to Phonemin?
  2. andrew.n

    RTCVideoTrack removeRenderer array crash

    @Max Fast fingers when using session.disconnect() if the user cancels the call right after the call initiated (during a pending state) Can you includea count verification before calling removeObjectsInRange ? This happens when I call the disconnect & close after receiving...
  3. P

    Screen capture

    Hello, I have a couple of questions regarding screen capture: 1. iOS examples provide a sample screen capture with Swift only, is the screen capture available for Objective-C? 2. is screen capture for both iOS and Android available while streaming/publishing a camera with microphone? Thanks, P
  4. andrew.n

    RTCMTLVideoView camera preview

    @Max is there an option to show the camera preview, before starting a stream? Right now I use another component for that but I have some issues for device rotation and I tough it will be easier to work only with a single RTCMTLVideoView during streaming but also before starting the stream.
  5. P.Alexandrov

    Поддержка SPM менеджера в SDK под iOS

    Добрый вечер! Используем в разработке ваше SDK под iOS для реализации трансляций и конференций, хотелось бы уточнить, планируется ли поддержка SPM менеджера? В настоящий момент, это является блокером для разработки, так как мы не используем Cocoa, и хотим избежать непредвиденных последствий от...
  6. wyvasi

    Background IOS audio issue

    Good day! We are trying to answer call using {audio: true, video: true} from background on IOS and from switching to app video can be turned on successfully, but audio there is no audio sent at all from IOS. I set rtp_activity_video=false for video to work but I need a solution for audio. I also...
  7. AVRozk

    ios Звук из верхнего динамика при воспроизведении видео

    Добрый день. Подключили ваш плеер на ios проект на swift. Используются классы WCSSession и WCSStream. Звук и видео идут, но почему-то звук идет с верхнего динамика. Вызов AVAudioSession после play эффекта не дает, но если сделать задержку секунду, то он срабатывает и звук начинает идти...
  8. M

    IOS SDK doesn't disconnect calls terminated by the called party

    Hi all, we are using SDK IOS 2.6.105. Our app is a dialer that calls to normal phones dialing the MSISDN (que use asterisk connected with a trunk to an SBC to deliver this kind of calls). We don't have problems with the audio stream in both direcctions, however, when the called party hangs up...
  9. andrew.n

    App crash from SDK: com.flashphoner.FPWCSApi2SessionQueue FBSSerialQueue assertBarrierOnQueue

    @Max We had a crash from the SDK few days ago: Device information: Model:iPhone 14 Pro Max Orientation: Portrait RAM free: 156.61 MB Disk free: 137.65 GB Operating System Version:16.0.0 Orientation: Portrait Jailbroken:No Crash Date:Nov 17, 2022, 2:29:48 AM Crashlytics - Stack trace check...
  10. andrew.n

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    @Max regarding CallKit intergration on iOS, right now, after reporting the incoming call to CallKit SDK, we use the following setup: FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints(audio: true, videoWidth: videoWidth, videoHeight: videoHeight) and use broadcastURLStream?.muteVideo() method. After the user opens the...
  11. A

    Есть ли в iOS SDK аналог Publishing/playback channel quality control?

    Есть ли в iOS SDK аналог Publishing/playback channel quality control?
  12. andrew.n

    Filters (beautify, AR, etc) on live streaming

    @Max Everything works great with the SDK, and of course, new requests came up such as using filters during the live stream. I want to ask you if you had that kind of request before, or if there is another SDK to add over the current FlashPhoner SDK to handle this request. It will be useful if...
  13. V

    Settings for stream on iOS

    Hi, Could you please tell us how you capture audio and video stream and send that to the service Also the processing for the incoming stream on the device could help a lot in understanding how those settings can be overwritten and we can use flashphoner further achieving app business goals
  14. andrew.n

    iOS SDK Project warnings displayed "arm64-apple-ios.swiftsourceinfo' is either malformed or generated ..."

    @Max I switched from manual integration to CocoaPods integration (2.6.97), and everything works like a charm. The single issue that I'm facing right now, is that XCode - Version 13.4.1 (13F100) - is showing 1 or sometimes 2 warnings after I build the project (build or build + run). Those...
  15. V

    Stream lags for stream with iOS 15.4.1 (latest version)

    Hello. If I play a stream (from any device) that is published from iPhone with IOS 15.4.1, I see video interrupting (lags). Before iPhone updating everything was fine. It was with WCS-iOS-SDK-2.6.80 The problem was reproducing in both Two Way Streaming Swift application and Two Way Streaming...
  16. M

    Трансляция экрана телефона в браузер

    Добрый день! мне необходимо транслировать экран телефона на сайте, причем делать это необходимо и на андроиде и на айфон телефоне. Как мне сделать такое с помощью web call servera?
  17. A

    iOS Screen Capturer, fatal error в одной из последних версий фреймворка

    1. Есть ли возможность рекордить аудио с записи экрана? 2. При трансляции записи экрана, воспроизведение начинается только спустя 7-15 секунд в среднем, хоть картинка транслируется, и поток идет. 3. Проблема с записью стрима, при демонстрации экрана, запись стрима выглядит, как черный экран...
  18. D

    Logging messages that the client device receives from kFPWCSStreamStatus

    Hello, Is it possible to log information about the status of streams? In the logs of the client part, We see message: [-- BEGIN CLIENT LOG --] .... LOGS: Client didn't pushed logs to server, try to enable push_log at client side. [-- END CLIENT LOG ----] Will the necessary information be...
  19. andrew.n

    FPWCSApi2Stream check if front or back camera is used (iOS)

    Before starting the stream, the user has the option to switch from front camera to back camera. The problem is that right now when we start the streaming if the preview (made custom by us) is for the back camera, the streaming will start by using the front camera. Right now, I didn't find a...
  20. root

    Трансляция экрана телефона

    Добрый день, нам необходимо транслировать экран телефона в браузер, какая будет задержка?