server configuration

  1. T

    Issues Updating WCS on AWS

    Hello We've been trying to install the latest WCS build 5.2.2013 onto our AWS platform but have been experiencing a few issues. Our process is to launch a new EC2 instance using the latest WCS image on AWS marketplace, currently at 5.2.1482, download and install the latest build onto the...
  2. R

    Concurrent Clients

    Hello Max, How many maximum concurrent user connection we can use in one high configuration server with 10gbps Bandwidth ? Thank you
  3. A

    Disable 8081

    Hi there We want to disable the WCS http 8081 access, kindly assist how to do it? Thnx AB
  4. A

    WCS starting issue

    Hi there We are facing an issue while starting WCS service, the log shows the following error, kindly assist ... Let us know if you need the complete logs... share link [2023-08-05 00:04:22] INFO checkJavaOptions - Checking JVM options openjdk version "1.8.0_372" OpenJDK Runtime Environment...
  5. R

    webrtc Stream going delay

    hello Max, we setup webrtc stream on dedicated server. but when our client reach at 1000 so webrtc stream going to delay by 10 to 15 sec. so what is the configuration for realtime webrtc stream ? please help me out of this Thank you
  6. hyuk

    mixer question

    Is there anything I should be aware of when using the Mixer API? For reference, video transmission and reception are working without problems. The mixer API doesn't work, so I simply requested mixer/startup, but I get a binding error. Error attached. Please confirm.
  7. H

    Flashphoners breaks every few days!

    We love Flashphoner and have a server for already a year. Sometimes flashphoner stoped working. All stream which were currently running worke great, but no new clients can connect to the streams. There will be always an error We use the embedded player with rtsp streams and mostly reolink...
  8. B

    Максимальное число зрителей

    Здравствуйте, есть ли максимальное число зрителей webrtc которое возможно реализовать? Cdn понятно, стримим на 1 origin раздаем с нескольких edge, но полоса пропускания между оригин и эдж в локальной сети к примеру ограничена 10gbps, тоесть ну примерно 5000 зрителей (предположим что cpu/ram...
  9. Shark Skill

    Live stream freezing after 800 active users.

    As we already purchased a license of flashphoner web call server to convert our trial to licensed instance. We are planning to deliver a live stream to our customer of around 2500+ users. We have excellent configuration server as well with below configuration: CPU 2× AMD Epyc 7402 - 24c/48t -...
  10. A

    Unable to record

    Hi there, Our customer suddenly facing problems in mixer recording functionality, we have even upgraded the WCS to the new release v.2.0.225-5.2.1466-d00e431de887895576796b78d156de886608eab2 but still the recordings are not saved... we are using the video-chat API and auto mixer recording...
  11. A

    Log folder

    Hi there is it possible to change logs path in Flash Phoner Configuration file. Thnx
  12. P

    Multiple IPs for multiple NICs

    Hello, does WCS support multiple IP addresses from multiple NICs along with multiple domains on a single VPS/VDS? At the moment anytime I upload an SSL certificate for a new domain - it overwrites the previous one. Thanks, P
  13. P

    sip problems

    Hello, We have some sip problems couldn't find any solution since 2 months. The problems are: We are using flashphone in our crm. So it is using for mostly outcalls and in an hour an user can make more than 50 calls. 1- without any reason after 2-3 calls while making a new call outcall status...
  14. C

    No free ports available

    Не могу запустить трансляцию упирается в ошибку "No free ports available", Сервер Centos 7
  15. R

    WCS Service getting failed

    Hi, When we start WCS service, the service is getting started successfully but after few seconds it's getting failed. When we check the health status through logs as below: [2022-03-30 11:26:36] ERROR start - FlashphonerWebCallServer started, but is not healthy, please try to restart We...
  16. S

    WebCallServer service not able to run in Redhat 8.5

    Dear Team, We have installed Redhat server freshly and installed Java and flashphoner. But the service is getting stopped " Active: active (exited)". Java Version is "openjdk version "1.8.0_332" Redhat Version is "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5" We have tried the Flashphoner in standalone mode...
  17. Pin

    Install on Huawei Cloud (Elastic Cloud Server)

    Hi, I have try to install fp on huawei cloud (elastic cloud server) by follow the step on doc. ( all passes, untill I try to start steam and nothing show on right screen without any error message. chrome...
  18. T

    Streams handling

    We bought WCS AMI from aws of type t3.medium , we are using for Ip camera streaming.How many cameras we can handle with one WCS server.
  19. I

    Целесообразность обновления Java

    Здравствуйте. Используем OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0.1+7, mixed mode, sharing). ОС на ВМ - aws linux. Версия WCS - 5.2.1116 Есть ли смысл обновления версии Java на одну из последних? Есть ли проблемы, которые решены в последних версиях, либо реализованные улучшения?
  20. IgorFavorit

    Изменение ws.port через

    Добрый день. Нужно поменять ws порт c 8080 на другой, так, как 8080 занят другим приложением. Пробовали прописывать ws.port = 8449 в, перезагружались, но результата ноль, netstat -nlp | grep java всё равно показывает, что прослушивается порт 8080, а 8449 не слушается...