I want to perform some action by voice recognition during live.
For example, I want to capture a specific word.
Is there any support like voice recognition in flashphoner?
If there is no supported function, I would like to use the voice data of the flashphoner directly.
webrtc for example..
var pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc.ontrack = function(event) {
// Receive voice data.
var audioTrack = event. track;
You want to acquire an audioTrack.
Where can I get that information?
I want to perform some action by voice recognition during live.
For example, I want to capture a specific word.
Is there any support like voice recognition in flashphoner?
If there is no supported function, I would like to use the voice data of the flashphoner directly.
webrtc for example..
var pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc.ontrack = function(event) {
// Receive voice data.
var audioTrack = event. track;
You want to acquire an audioTrack.
Where can I get that information?