Unable to start updated version of WCS

Arif Butt

Hi there, we have updated the WCS version to latest version 5.2.1140, however after updating it we are unable to start the wcs service, java version is:
java version "1.8.0_161"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_161-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b12, mixed mode)

please see the following screen and attached flashphoner log file. kindly assist how to proceed further.





Staff member

Please verify there is no WCS process running:
ps aux | grep flashphoner
If there is such process, kill it and then try to start WCS.

If startup fails, try to start with stdout output to see the errors.

We can check the server if you send the access details using this form.
Last edited:

Arif Butt

please note that with the following command the service is starting but showing the status as failed...

but with systemctl start webcallserver command it is not starting:

[root@xms bin]# ./webcallserver start
FlashphonerWebCallServer: starting [ OK ]
[root@xms bin]# sudo systemctl status webcallserver
● webcallserver.service - Flashphoner WebCallServer
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/webcallserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2022-03-04 13:26:30 EST; 41s ago
Process: 10285 ExecStart=/bin/bash webcallserver start (code=exited, status=218/CAPABILITIES)
Main PID: 10285 (code=exited, status=218/CAPABILITIES)

Mar 04 13:26:30 xms systemd[1]: Started Flashphoner WebCallServer.
Mar 04 13:26:30 xms systemd[1]: webcallserver.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=218/CAPABILITIES
Mar 04 13:26:30 xms systemd[1]: Unit webcallserver.service entered failed state.
Mar 04 13:26:30 xms systemd[1]: webcallserver.service failed.
[root@xms bin]#

Arif Butt

Credentials sent via form, please let us know what is the issue as we have to apply this to a production site, the earlier wcs version was having voice issue in video chat application when used with Edge browser, we will check it with this new version if the problem still persist.


Staff member
We checked the server. Seems like you have a bug in systemd. We changed the user to start webcallserver.sevice to root with the command
/usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/bin/webcallserver fix-service
and commented the capabilities line in /etc/systemd/system/webcallserver.service:

# The following should be commented

Another option is to update systemd.
WCS starts and works succesfully now.
the earlier wcs version was having voice issue in video chat application when used with Edge browser, we will check it with this new version if the problem still persist.
We tested Video Chat in MS Edge 98.0.1108.62, and seem like the problem is not reproducing: audio plays smoothly and in sync with video if no packet loss between server and client.

Arif Butt

Thank you for your support, Please note that the earlier version of WCS server was running OK with systemd so I am not sure what went wrong...

Additionally we have noticed that still the EDGE browser from different android mobiles are facing voice related issue when using video chat demo, kindly assist how can we fix that?



Staff member

Additionally we have noticed that still the EDGE browser from different android mobiles are facing voice related issue when using video chat demo, kindly assist how can we fix that?
We will check it on our devices and report with our results.


Staff member
EDGE browser from different android mobiles are facing voice related issue when using video chat demo
Reproduced this issue with Edge on Android: if the participant using Edge joins first, then when another participant joins that participant's video freezes when appears in Edge, or starts playing without audio (ticket WCS-3445 submitted). In Conference demo, there are Stop | Play buttons for players, and if stop and resume playback when a new participant joins, his video plays with audio.
Please let know if that is the behavior you encountered.


Staff member
In WebSDK build 2.0.216, it is possible to pass participant stream playback options. Use this to disable automatic stream audio unmuting in Android Edge browser and to prevent a participant stream freeze. Then, user must click a button to unmute audio
var options = {
    unmutePlayOnStart: true,
    constraints: {
        audio: {
            deviceId: 'default'
// Leave participant stream muted in Android Edge browser #WCS-3445
if (Browser.isChromiumEdge() && Browser.isAndroid()) {
    options.unmutePlayOnStart = false;
participant.getStreams()[0].play(display, options).on(STREAM_STATUS.PLAYING, function (playingStream) {
    // Set up participant audio toggle button #WCS-3445
    if (audioBtn) {
        $(audioBtn).text("Audio").off('click').click(function() {
            if (playingStream.isRemoteAudioMuted()) {
            } else {
        }).prop('disabled', false);
Please refer to Video Conference example description: Video Conference.