We don't touch anything that may affect server work.please do not restart the service because it is in production mode.
Investigation and fix may take few days. I will inform you once we have any news.is there any news?
please provide your ip address(es) for ssh access. I'll keep ssh open for your ip addresses also.We don't touch anything that may affect server work.
We don't restart WCS server.
Please ignore previous message.
After more detail check we have concluded it is not a root cause.
It might be a network configuration issue or something like this.
We are able to see errors in logs.
Investigation and fix may take few days. I will inform you once we have any news.
If you can keep server open over SSH please do that. It will help us to speed up the process.
ok! but as I can see you are connected via ssh from 195.XXX.XXX.XXX, but not from ip you mentioned above.You can add this host to the whitelist:
ok. Please solve the problem as soon as possible, it is very important for us, the server is in production mode and we are facing with big problems.You can add this address too.
SSH access is open.On the Simple License and default support plan we don't provide any type of emergency or ASAP support or hot fixes. Please contact sales regarding enterprise-level support to get a quote.
If you keep SSH access open, we will able to track your server and gather more information to fix this issue. However We can't provide any deadlines.
As an option, you can run secondary server from a secondary VPS provider, and forward part of traffic or all traffic to this secondary server.
We do not see such issue with other customers and servers, for example Amazon EC2, Digital Ocean.
So if you install a clean server without VPN, with public and static IP address, the issue may go away.
It may help.If I'll forward part of traffic to another server it will help?
We don't know root cause of issue. Need further investigation.The problem is huge traffic or what? Please give us more detailed information about the problem.
It happened today between 09:00 and 10:00 local timeIf you see any issues with sound, please
1. Provide server-time when this happened.
will send you via e-mail2. RTSP url where you have the issue (if it is private information, you can send this to logs@flashphoner.com)
Can't reproduce the problem. But I can assure that it happened in your demo players also3. Can you reproduce the same in default player in the dashboard https://host:8888/demo2/player ?
FlashPhoner admin password and ip address will send you via e-mail4. Could you provide sessionId (your IP address) of player with the sound issue as per this post https://forum.flashphoner.com/threads/problem-with-sound.10989/#post-13140
Please send admin password for dashboard to logs@flashphoner.com.
at this moment we have only 10-12 streams. Does it mean that WCS is not allow more than 12 streams?It may help.
No it does not.Does it mean that WCS is not allow more than 12 streams?
Local time means GMT+4 ?16:10 and 16:20 local time.
I mean server timeLocal time means GMT+4 ?
function detectSpeech(stream, level, latency) {
var mediaStream = document.getElementById(stream.id()).srcObject;
var source = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream);
var processor = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(512);
processor.onaudioprocess = handleAudio;
processor.clipping = false;
processor.lastClip = 0;
// threshold
processor.threshold = level || 0.10;
processor.latency = latency || 750;