We create this file in JAVA, its reach 90% our needs BUT we are facing an issue, webcams are random positioned and if attach 4 streams mixer stop to work without error on logs file.
Could you help me please?
// Package name should be strictly defined as com.flashphoner.mixerlayout
package com.flashphoner.mixerlayout;
// Import mixer layout interface
// Import YUV frame description
import com.flashphoner.sdk.setting.Settings;
// Import Java packages to use
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Custom mixer layout implementation example
public class TestLayout implements IVideoMixerLayout {
// Pictures padding, should be even (or zero if no padding needed)
private static final int PADDING_IN = Settings.MIXER_VIDEO_DESKTOP_LAYOUT_INLINE_PADDING.getValue().intValue();
public IVideoMixerLayout.Layout[] computeLayout(YUVFrame[] yUVFrameArr, String[] strArr, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight) {
if (yUVFrameArr.length == 0) {
return new IVideoMixerLayout.Layout[0];
ArrayList<IVideoMixerLayout.Layout> layout = new ArrayList<>();
int layoutWidth = 0;
int layoutHeight = 0;
int first = 0;
if(yUVFrameArr.length == 1)
Point ltPoint = new Point(PADDING_IN, PADDING_IN);
layoutWidth = canvasWidth - 2*PADDING_IN;
layoutHeight = Math.min((int)(layoutWidth*9.0d/16.0d), canvasHeight - 2*PADDING_IN);
layout.add(new IVideoMixerLayout.Layout(ltPoint, new Dimension(layoutWidth, layoutHeight), yUVFrameArr[0]));
else { // length >= 2
for (int c = 0; c < yUVFrameArr.length; c++) {
// Set starting point of the picture
Point currentPoint = new Point();
/*Point prevPoint = new Point();
Dimension prevDimension = new Dimension();
if (layout.size() > 1) {
// Find previous picture location to calculate next one
prevPoint.setLocation(layout.get(c - 1).getPoint());
prevDimension.setSize(layout.get(c - 1).getDimension());
if (strArr[c].toLowerCase().startsWith("d") == true) { //c == first
currentPoint = new Point((int)(canvasWidth * 0.25d) + PADDING_IN, PADDING_IN);
layoutWidth = (int)(canvasWidth * 0.75d) - 2*PADDING_IN;
layoutHeight = Math.min((int)(layoutWidth*9.0d/16.0d), canvasHeight - 2*PADDING_IN);
} else {
//currentPoint = new Point( PADDING_IN, (int) (prevPoint.getY() + prevDimension.getHeight() + PADDING_IN) );
layoutWidth = (int)(canvasWidth * 0.25d) - 2*PADDING_IN;
layoutHeight = Math.min((int) ((layoutWidth*9.0d/16.0d)), (int) ((canvasHeight - (yUVFrameArr.length - 1) * PADDING_IN)/ (double) (yUVFrameArr.length - 1)));
currentPoint = new Point( PADDING_IN, (int) (layoutHeight*c + PADDING_IN) );
// Create the picture layout passing starting point, dimensions and raw picture YUV frames
layout.add(new IVideoMixerLayout.Layout(currentPoint, new Dimension(layoutWidth, layoutHeight), yUVFrameArr[c]));
// Return pictures layouts calculated as array
return layout.toArray(new IVideoMixerLayout.Layout[layout.size()]);