Old license in Expired state will not be auto-renewed. We will do refund if it happens for any reason.Will there be the possibility fo auto-renewing the old license after a few. If so I may end up paying for two licenses. I want to make sure old license will not be auto-renewed
No. New key will be generated and should be activated on the server.Is there a possibility of using the same license key?
Yes, AWS marketplace instances are billed hourly by AmazonHow about purchasing the instance in AWS marketplace? Will I face the same issue there? Also in AWS server, I don't need to buy the plan here right upload the license. Right?
Yes. It depends on server capacity chosen.Will I get the same streaming performance on the AWS server?
Now, autoscaling can be set up as described here, but it reqiures to buy a separate license and activate it before creating a basic AMI to use in launch configuration. We raised internal ticket 2797 to investigate it.How does the autoscaling work in AWS?
Monthly subscription plan is enough. You should deactivate an instance license, then activate monthly subscription at this step.What kind of license I need to buy for autoscaling AMI. Where can I get the pricing?