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  1. wyvasi

    Mixer doesn't show any video

    Stream from media devices page
  2. wyvasi

    Mixer doesn't show any video

    Good day! after I start mixer and add video/audio stream. Only audio is working. /mixer/startup { "hasVideo": "true", "hasAudio": "true", "localStreamName": "joe", "uri": "mixer://joe" } mixer/add { "uri": "mixer://joe", "remoteStreamName": "video" } Can you tell me what I am...
  3. wyvasi

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    Did you try publishing with audio: true, video: true from background? no audio/video data is received in this case. I don't want to publish with audio: true, video: false, but this is the only one working and I don't want to restart stream when phone is unlocked. Can you find a way to stream...
  4. wyvasi

    Enable camera after app starts (CallKit flow)

    Hello Max, the issue we have is that we don't receive any audio on server side, publish always fail because because "info" : "Failed by RTP activity", "description" : "Video RTP activity", These are the constraints but on server side I always see ` "hasVideo" `: true, and also always width:0...
  5. wyvasi

    Issue with playback on edge server.

    Fixed! with a clean webcallserver install. Thanks!
  6. wyvasi

    Issue with playback on edge server.

    Hello. I made some automated testes to run every few minutes to check if publish/play works. We have 3 origin and 3 edge servers. We are having some issues in NA zone where stream playback will have a chance of 1/10 to return FAILED without any extra info. This only happens on this 2 nodes...
  7. wyvasi

    CDN pull audio is lost.

    After I change ram, constraints and wcs and restart seems to work. If we start the stream on ios with { audio: true, video: false } , how can we switch to {audio: true, video: true}, without having to stop the stream ?
  8. wyvasi

    CDN pull audio is lost.

    This is happening on development side, so only 1-2 streams are published, I will increase the ram just in case. We published in our demo from ios app and web, but we can't get audio to work on cdn( play on oracle2) from ios app(publish on oracle1 ), only on origin server can play audio just...
  9. wyvasi

    CDN pull audio is lost.

    Hello. We are publishing from Iphone (audio only) to origin(oracle1) and playing on edge(oracle2). If I try to play the stream on oracle1 all fine but there is no audio on oracle2. I attached link to google drive with all logs.
  10. wyvasi

    Can't terminate streams using name

    Hello! When I do HTTP POST REQUEST to /rest-api/stream/terminate with { name: 'name', published: true } I get this response: { "exception": "", "reason": "
  11. wyvasi

    Server issue

    Last time I updated to this version I was getting some kind of out of heap memory error (cdn related) error spammed in logs. After one day server wouldn't respond anymore as cpu usage was >80%
  12. wyvasi

    Video record issue

    Hello, it happens again and again. We are using version 1181 and we keep getting shorter video than what it supposed to be. We got recently a video of 14 minutes intead of 1 hour and ffmpeg -i Input.mp4 Output.mp4 doesn't fix anything. How can I track video recording errors? It seems like after...
  13. wyvasi

    Server issue

    Hello! After I update WCS from 1181 to 1264 edge server went unresponsive, I isolated the server(no traffic) but the cpu is still used at max. When it shouldn't be that way.
  14. wyvasi

    CDN prossesing state Unknown

    Seems to be working now, thanks!
  15. wyvasi

    CDN prossesing state Unknown

    Good day! I get Processing state unknown for some cdn nodes. What I did: I added new edge server and it doesn't play stream from some origin servers. I tried the reset inbond/outboud endpoints with no help also tried different origin dns as default entry_point. What shoud I try to fix this? WCS...
  16. wyvasi

    Video record issue

    Good day! We started recording a stream that was ~40 minutes but on unpublish it only returned first 90 seconds. Do you have any idea why would this happen or how to debug video recordings.
  17. wyvasi

    Call Kit and Flashphoner

    I am sending notifications using this package . This video-call was made for browsers and we wanted to add it to mobile, all events are made sent over ws and now for mobile we send notifications using this library to let the ios app know when to...
  18. wyvasi

    Call Kit and Flashphoner

    Can we publish audio without using SIP when we receive callKit notification? We don't need SIP and I don't see why would I complicate things to integrate it, when we can send/receive push notifications and normal publish. We can't modify your demo because you only add many SIP logic there, maybe...
  19. wyvasi

    CDN issue

    I will try this next time, Thanks! Everything is behind vpn and ssh keys.
  20. wyvasi

    CDN issue

    We use just one docker instance per host. But we need this fixed in future for 0 downtime deploy/update.