MPEG2 is not currently supported.
We are working on MPEG-TS and SRT protocols now.
Regarding MPEG2 and VLC. If you send a public URL like described above, we will be able to check this URLs and test with VLC to adjust our roadmap related MPEG2, MPEG-TS.
The private form for sending URL
Transcoding means server-side transcoding and rescaling
For example initial canvas size is 320x240 will be decoded on the server then upscaled to 1920x1080 then encoded to H.264 stream.
1. You will get blurry 1920x1080 image because upscale will affect image quality.
2. You will utilize 1-2...
Good day.
This is a browser limit: a stream picture size published from canvas may only be equal or less than canvas element size on the page.
So, to publish 1080p from canvas you need to place canvas element of 1920x1080 pixels to the web page.
Another option is to transcode the stream picture...
Good day.
There is no WCS builds for ARM architecture. WCS uses a lot of native code to transcode audio and video, so it is bound to x86_64. In its turn, Docker is not a full-fleged virtual machine, so it cannot virtualize hardware, just uses the platform on which it is running.
The final answer...
We reproduced the issue and raised a ticket WCS-3407 to fix it. Will let you know results here. Use the workaround mentioned above as temporary solution.
Please provide RTSP url. We will check. If URL is public you can post it right here.
If URL is private you can send it using the report form
What is the channel between RTSP source and server?
Run on the host where RTSP source installed
iperf3 -s -p 9999
Run on the host where WCS...
Добрый день.
Обычно так происходит, когда процессор не справляется с нагрузкой и не успевает кодировать стримы.
Не успевать может как весь CPU, если стримов на сервере много, так и процессорное ядро, если стрим кодируется в большом разрешении, например Full HD 1920 x 1080.
Поэтому нужно...
Это похоже на баг сервера.
Создали внутренний тикет WCS-3406. Отпишем по прогрессу.
transcoding_video_decoding_load = ∑ width * height * fps
Т.е. цифра (2758598400 / 1920 x 1080 x 30) = 44
Говорит о том, что на ваш сервер попадают 44 Full HD стрима или соответствующее количество стримов...
Try this setting in flashphoner.properties:
The pre initializing was added in 5.2.1105
This looks like pre-initializing issue.
Please check out this doc
Section (1)
Ports 8081 and 8444 are the same endpoint. 8081 - http, 8444 -https.
Good day.
You can publish a stream from VOD using REST API. Please read details here
POST /rest-api/vod/startup HTTP/1.1
HOST: localhost:8081
content-type: application/json
content-length: 83
"localStreamName": "test"
Добрый день.
Протестировали автоматическую ретрансляцию потоков на RTMP сервер, в сборке 5.2.1110 добавили возможность указать параметры аутентификации
На текущий момент этот функционал может использоваться для...
We checked your server.
Seems like you've tried to update WCS to the latest build, but you've not stopped previous WCS process. Also, your server have 251 Gb RAM, and you've trying to launch WCS with Java Heap 220 Gb and Wowza with Java heap 200 Gb simultaneously. The sum 220 + 200 is more than...
Добрый день.
Скорее всего, проблема в том, что Вы пытаетесь добавить поток без видео:
В этом случае фоновая картинка отрисовываться не будет, т.к. поток будет добавлен в микшер без видеосоставляющей. Для таких потоков можно управлять только цветом фона прямоугольника.
Кроме того, обратите...
Good day.
According to CVE description https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-44228
In case of WCS, an external attacker cannot control log messages or log message parameters because the only log configuration file is log4j.properties file which is placed in...