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  1. Max

    Через 30-40 секунд звонок отключается

    Сейчас у вас корректно установлен SSL сертификат. Для автоматического обновления сертификата в дальнейшем можно написать скрипт, который будет содержать следующие команды: После получения новых файлов сертификата и приватного ключа: 1. Удаление старого сертификата keytool -delete -alias...
  2. Max

    Java Memory Allocation on Linux 2 AMI

    Unfortunately, at WCS side there is no way to detect file system low level implementation, so we cannot differ network file system from local hard disk one. There is the parameter which can be used to spread recording to threads (4 threads by default are used). May be it can help to reduce NFS...
  3. Max

    WebRTC: Have to push switch button twice when starting a stream with the rear camera since WebSDK

    We checked the code. You don't need to reverse the list. Just addthe following code after call: var video = document.getElementById("videoInput"); for (var i = 0; i < video.options.length; i++) { if...
  4. Max

    Cannot play mixer stream in iOS

    Frontend logging to the browser console like: if (IS_SAFARI && navigator.mediaDevices || Flashphoner.getMediaProviders()[0] === 'MSE') { Flashphoner .playFirstVideo(this.mixerRef.current, false, this.preloaderVideo) .then(() => { console.log("playFirstVideo resolved")...
  5. Max

    Mac OS Safari Broadcaster - HLS not working

    Good day. We made some tests on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6, Chrome 88 and Safari 13.1.2 with the latest WCS build 5.2.889 and latest WebSDK build Seems like Chrome 88 on MacOS 10.13.6 does not sent video frames at all, both in our examples (Two Way Streaming, Media Devices etc)...
  6. Max

    Live Stream getting freeze

    Please update to the latest build from this page and check if problem still persists. If yes, collect a report as described here including client debug logs and send using this private form.
  7. Max

    Cannot play mixer stream in iOS

    Please add debug logging to check the flow. Seems like either playFirstVideo and stream playback work in different contexts or playFirstVideo is not invoked at all.
  8. Max

    Session is undefined - Two_way_streaming.js

    You should use playFirstVideo in Safari browser only. This function returns a promise. You should start punlishing or playback only when the promise returned by this funsction is resolved. Please see Two Way Streaming example code on GitHub: function publishBtnClick() { if...
  9. Max

    Через 30-40 секунд звонок отключается

    Речь идет не о лицензии WCS, а о сертификате безопасности SSL для WEB сервера. SSL сертификат подтверждает подлинность и безопасность вашего WEB сервера и нужен для корректной работы SIP функций. У вас на веб сервере видимо был установлен бесплатный сертификат, который имеет ограниченный срок...
  10. Max

    From web browser to Amazon ivs server

    This is a channel quality issue. Please use AWS region closer to you.
  11. Max

    WebRTC: Have to push switch button twice when starting a stream with the rear camera since WebSDK

    Please provide a code sample archive using this private form.
  12. Max

    При подключении наушников к устройству, звук идет через динамики устройства

    Предварительное тестирование пройдено, завтра-послезавтра ожидается релиз.
  13. Max

    Наложение изображений при микшировании

    Добрый день. Проблема с наложением второго потока в микшере на первый при использовании CenterNoPaddingGridLayout исправлена в сборке 5.2.885. Пожалуйста, обновите тестовый сервер и попробуйте.
  14. Max

    Через 30-40 секунд звонок отключается

    Добрый день! Пожалуйста, проверьте срок действия SSL сертификата для вашего домена. При необходимости создайте новый сертификат и загрузите его на ваш WEB-сервер. Например, генерация и установка сертификата для Nginx Отсутствие свободного места на диске с WCS привело бы к прекращению записи...
  15. Max

    From web browser to Amazon ivs server

    We've tested the stream with our IVS channel. It seems to be working: The stream test was republisehd with the following REST API query: However, there can be channel issues, once during teh test RTSP ingest server closed the channel at its side: 13:14:15,127 ERROR ClientHandler -...
  16. Max

    Incoming RSPT stream

    We raised the ticket WCS-1595 to implement RTSP interleaved publishing, but this is not a priority feature.
  17. Max

    Incoming RSPT stream

    WCS does not support RTSP publishing now. You can pull H264+Opus RTSP stream from other server as described here. If you'are using m4a file as source, there is probably AAC audio inside, so you can stream it to WCS as RTMP and (if this is audio only stream) play it in browser with constraints as...
  18. Max

    Session is undefined - Two_way_streaming.js

    Good day. This means there is no websocket session established. In this case, Flashphoner.getSessions() returns a zero lenght arry, so its first item will be undefined. You should check Flashphoner.getSessions() array length, for example: var sessions = Flashphoner.getSessions()...
  19. Max

    Cannot play mixer stream in iOS

    Good day. Please clarify: can the same mixer output stream on the same device be played in Two Way Streaming example (Player section) or in Player example? If not, this seems to be media ports blocking issue, according to Failed by ICE timeout error info. Please check the following: - if media...
  20. Max

    Hardware requirements for 8 Chat rooms (2 party each) simultaneous

    The license should not affect the service status displayed. Also, you don't need to re-activate the license while updating WCS unless you did not fully removed the previous installation.