Yes, you can publish WebRTC stream and then republish it to third party RTMP endpoint likeCan I capture video from web browser, passing through webrtc server and then streaming to rtmp Amazon ivs? (rtmp server url and stream key)
including Amazon IVS. Please read details here about common RTMP republishing case and here about republishing to AWS MediaLive. Please note that this case requires the following WCS settings in
Thanks for the answer but it doesn’t worksGood day.
Yes, you can publish WebRTC stream and then republish it to third party RTMP endpoint likertmp://rtmp_server:1935/live/stream_key
including Amazon IVS. Please read details here about common RTMP republishing case and here about republishing to AWS MediaLive. Please note that this case requires the following WCS settings
Code:rtmp_transponder_full_url=true rtmp_transponder_stream_name_prefix= rtmp_flash_ver_subscriber=LNX rtmp_transponder_send_metadata=true
This is a common settings for Youtube, Facebook, Azure, AWS MediaLive and probably other RTMP endpoints.Settings for are only for medialive or also for IVS?
Please check if you're using the latest WCS build from this page (5.2.882 for now) and update if not."rtmpUrl": "rtmps:// streamkey xxx"
We will test it on our IVS channel, but it takes a I can't send you a stramkey, sorry.
was republisehd with the following REST API query:13:14:15,127 ERROR ClientHandler - pool-50-thread-2 RTMP error [id: 0x3e3ee726, /*************:33003 => ***************************:443] Connection reset by peer
Playback URL
and can be played in third party players (VLC for example, see screenshot above). It seems to be IVS admin interface issue.Yes!! Now it works, I had a previous WCS release on Amazon EC2 pre built.
This is a channel quality issue. Please use AWS region closer to you.But It seems poor video quality on IVS... tomorrow I Will test again.