Good day.
We checked all the items you provided.
Unfortunately, client debug logs were disabled with this option
enable_extended_logging = false
so we cannot see how the stream was parsed at server side, and cannot play it from dump file.
The recording file seems to be broken, ffprobe reports...
Публикацию потока более надежно отслеживать либо по получению события STREAM_STATUS.PUBLISHING, как Вы делаете для проигрывания preview потока в примере выше, либо на стороне сервера при помощи REST API /stream/find
POST /rest-api/stream/find HTTP/1.1
Host: wcs:8081
Good day.
We investigated the issue and found that mixer perfomance is significally decreasing when background picture is used. This affects both realtime and non realtime mixers.
We fixed the issue in build 5.2.748, please update and check.
Good day.
If the issue can be reproduced on, we unfortunately cannot do something with it.
Please check if the issue occurs using handsfree (external earphones and mic). If not, this can be workaround.
And you can try to ask firmware developers about this issue.
This is correct report upload link
Could you please tell me if your code contains the constraints for playing a stream without audio?
constraints: {audio: false, video: true}
Try to play the stream in the example Media Devices with the "Play Audio" checkbox deactivated
If in both cases the stream does not play, please...
Good day.
You should update all the nodes to CDN 2.5 (build 5.2.708 and later) for PASSIVE nodes removing to work.
If any node in CDN have lower version than CDN 2.5 (we see 2.4 in your list), it will remember all removed nodes.
If there are no subscribers to RTMP stream in 60 seconds by default, it will be stopped. So we recommend to inscrease this timeout to 12 hours for example (60 seconds * 60 minutes * 12 hours):
Try to use an API function
This function allows you to release the local media device that was captured to publish the stream.
More here:
Please collect according to this instruction and send, using this form, the logs of your WCS server for analysis.
Logs better to collect at a time when customers are experiencing connection issues.
If possible, before sending, please match the IP addresses of affected clients with the...
This happens due to audio transcoding: stream is published via WebRTC in Opus codec, then it is republished as AAC, and then it is played in browser as Opus. So, to improve the sound quality, you should configure SDP for RTMP republishing in...
H.264 codec is probably not supported. H264, depending on your phone model is not supported by the built-in Android browser, which is used in the WebView. Also, the codec may not be supported in other mobile browsers, such as the latest versions of Firefox.
There are two options to fix this...
In WCS5 auto_login_url and get_callee_url are replaced by REST Hooks
Please check REST Hooks docs
To implement auto_login_url you have to configure hook /connect
You have to reply 200 OK with valid SIP credentials upon this hook...
Добрый день!
Спасибо за информацию о некорректной работе нагрузочного тестирования микшера.
По этой проблеме был заведен тикет WCS-2857. Сообщим, как только будет выпущен фикс.
Протестировали автоматическое создание микшера при публикации потока с именем stream_name#room. На наших серверах и на...
There is the ticket WCS-2794 to update WebRTC library in iOS SDK. In this case, RTCEAGLVideoView will probably be replaced by RTCMTLVideoView.
There is also the ticket WCS-2853 to migrate iOS SDK from Objective C to Swift, in this case WebRTC library will also be updated.
Both tickets will take...
The set of RTP activity options is intended to control stream publishing and stop it if no media data is received during time interval (60 seconds by default)
To disable RTP activity checking, both options should be turned off
In your case, they should be turned off on edge servers because the...
Good day.
Probably yes. However, this is subject to test.
Those applications are probably use something like React Native which have a separate WebRTC implementation. We raised the ticket WCS-2852 to support React Native but this will take a time.
You can also use WebSDK, in this case the...