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  1. Max - still dropping after 70 seconds

    Good day. Please update WebSDK to latest build. If problem still persists, please collect a report as described here and sen it to, we will check.
  2. Max

    Android App crashing

    Good day. You can use stream mixer to mix all participants video streams to one, then you can record mioxer stream. Note that stream mixing uses transcoding, so so it requires more CPU resources.
  3. Max

    Медленная работа сервера и рассинхрон видео/аудио

    Добрый день. Мы протестировали в вашем окружение и после изменения настройки: rtp_force_synchronization=true существенных проблем при просмотре трансляции (около 10 минут) не увидели: https://{ваш внешний IP адрес}:8888/client2/examples/demo/streaming/player/player.html или https://{ваш внешний...
  4. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Good day. You cannot change user accounts on the web interface by logging in as a Demo user, you need to use the login account Admin. Or you can change user data via WCS through the Linux server console where WCS is installed: ssh -p 2001 admin@localhost default password: admin passwd demo...
  5. Max

    Медленная работа сервера и рассинхрон видео/аудио

    Добрый день. У вас закончился срок действия trial лицензии на WCS, мы продлили её срок до 28.07.2019. По технической информации напишем позже (после разбора данных по удаленному доступу).
  6. Max

    Local CDN не поднимается

    Добрый день. Проверьте доступность сетевого соединения на порту 8084 серверов в CDN друг к другу: telnet {IP} 8084 Попробуйте установить настройку в файле конфигурации на всех серверах: cdn_nodes_resolve_ip=false Пришлите нам логи из директории со всех серверов в CDN: {WCS...
  7. Max

    Local CDN не поднимается

    Добрый день. Воспроизвели тест с 3 серверами WCS (Origin, Transcoder, Edge) с вашими настройками (кроме IP) и версией WCS 5.2.203. Проблему повторить не получилось. Такие записи в логах видны при рестарте серверов в CDN, если соединение уже установлено, т.е. вы должны по команде show cdn-nodes...
  8. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Good day. Cloudflare CDN declares support for MPEG-DASH and HLS streaming only. So you should play stream as HLS or use another CDN. For example, you can deploy your own CDN based on WCS for WebRTC streaming. You can use REST hooks to authorize users, so they can not play video even by direct...
  9. Max

    Injecting Sound to Stream Not Working (500 Internal Server Error) on 5.2

    Good day. Please check if you from /rest-api/call/inject_sound query as POST using Content-Type: application/json with the following parameters { "callId":"your_call_id", "fileName":"your_file.wav" } Also check if your sound file meets the folowing equirements: format: WAV codec: PCM S16LE...
  10. Max

    Медленная работа сервера и рассинхрон видео/аудио

    Добрый день. В логах видны многочисленные ошибки: WARN BitstreamNormalizer - pool-33-thread-1 Timing problem Попробуйте установить настройку в файле /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/ rtp_force_synchronization=true и перезагрузить WCS: systemctl restart...
  11. Max

    Rest hook method 'unpublishStream' naming

    Добрый день. Спасибо за информацию, поправили.
  12. Max


    Good day. In addition to changing the WCS settings in the file, you need to change the Websocket address of your WCS server in the WebSDK: {WCS server}/client2/examples/demo/dependencies/js/utils.js It changes in function setURL: function setURL() { var proto...
  13. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Hello We have double checked your license. It is not a trial license, it is subscription license and it has been expired 2 weeks ago. So you have to purchase a new subscription license to proceed. If you have any licensing or payment questions, please...
  14. Max

    Delay issue in chrome

    Good day. We have not been able to reproduce your problem. Send us logs for two cases - video from http and video from https site. Collect in both cases and report which logs for which case.
  15. Max

    How not to send the sip access data through the Javascript client?

    Good day, Marx. You can use REST hooks /connect and /call for this purpose. Here is described a detailed example how to authorize user by domain, we slightly modify it: 1. Your client side JavaScript should not send any SIP options when connecting to WCS, 2. Because in your backend script on...
  16. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Your trial key is working, we have extended its validity time You should deactivate license via web interface (click on License top menu item), then activate it again to apply the changes. If you have any difficulties with this action, you can provide access to your server to us (send the...
  17. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Good day. We have checked your server. The trial license has expired, so you could ask to extend it for developing purposes. We have extended your license to one month and hope it will be enough for you to develop your solution. You should deactivate license via web interface (click on License...
  18. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Please provide us SSH access to your server to, we will check.
  19. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Seems like streaming does not work due to media ports closed. Please check in EC2 Console for the ports listed here to be opened.
  20. Max

    Screen Sharing option not working

    Good day. You should update WebSDK to latest build from this page as follows: 1. Download latest WebSDK version 2. Unpack tar.gz tar -xvzf flashphoner-api- 3. Copy contents of flashphoner-api-0.5.28 folder to...