
  1. S

    WebSDK update from 2.0.171 to 2.0.180

    Hi, After updating of NPM package from 2.0.171 to 2.0.180 I have a strage errors that i dont have with 171 version. I use following syntax tu import the Flashphoner object : import Flashphoner from '@flashphoner/websdk'; Here a the errors from console : harmony module decorator:7 Uncaught...
  2. E

    Не стартует скрипт обработки записанных файлов

    Доброго времени суток, после окончания записи стрима не запускается скриптВ кастомный скрипт не указан. В чем может быть проблема?
  3. S

    Samsung browser

    The built in Chrome mobile browser on Samsung phones will not display a stream and fails with the following error: "Failed by ICE timeout". Switching udp to tcp doesn't help and results in the same error. Regular Google Play store Chrome or Apple iOS Safari does not have this issue. Useragent...
  4. V

    Need start player every cut on stream

    Hi super Max!, I´m feeding my WCS servers with a Rtsp live video, every time the rtsp feed have a cut(o micro-cut) the user needs to push the play button again. There is a way to force the player to autostart when the rtsp starts again? it´s too crazy? A way to always autoplay? Thanks in...
  5. J

    Fail to start 2 streams on WebRTC server

    I cant seem to start 2 streams (with different ID) to my webRTC server, seeing below msg: 08:12:22,762 INFO RestClient - API-ASYNC-pool-13-thread-10 content ->...
  6. E

    RestClient logs too much and too few

    The outputs of RestClient too much. However, when the log level is set to WARN or higher, there are too few logs. Here is my suggestion. - "02:59:37,329 INFO RestClient - API-ASYNC-pool-13-thread-1 content -> ..." should be INFO as-is. - Both "02:59:37,329 INFO RestClient...
  7. alexosh

    Тормоза видео на HTTPS странице.

    Во время разработки сайт работает по HTTP соединению. К wsc подключается по secure портам (https/8888 и wss/8443), используется стандартный embed_player - видео показывается стабильно. При деплое на сервер который обслуживает страницу по HTTPS, в этом же самом браузере видео 1) достаточно...
  8. S

    Speech to Text Integration using Flashphoner

    Hi, We need to integrate a speech to text use case using Flashphoner, is there a way with Flashphoner to do that? We need to identify each user during conversation for conversion, we have seen Flashphoner puts a border around each speaker when they are talking, is there any way we can...
  9. burak guder

    I canceled the automatic payment But still the money was taken

    I canceled the automatic payment and created an order again and purchased a license. but even though I canceled auto-renewal in my previous order, it happened and I got a product license twice. Can I use the other purchased license code for the next month?
  10. burak guder

    Is it possible to start recording by stream name?

    I want to record a stream I received from the ip camera but I need to use mediaSessionId for recording. I can't start recording with rest api because I can't access mediaSessionId rest-api/rtsp/find_all { "uri": "rtsp://root:Sxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx:555/live2.sdp"...
  11. Petr Dikiy

    Черный экран

    После включения камеры в консоли отображается камера - которая undefined, хотя есть доступная и она выводится перед запуском media devices. Такая ошибка воспроизводится даже если удалить все остальные виртуальные камеры в системе. Так же получаем черный экран без звука и видео или идет...
  12. S

    syntax error when updating webcallserver

    [ec2-user@ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx tools]$ sudo service webcallserver update >>> New version available: 5.2.971 >>> Your version: 5.2.927 >>> Version 5.2.971 is available, try to update >>> You have to stop FlashphonerWebCallServer before update. >>> Stop now [yes/no] ? yes FlashphonerWebCallServer...
  13. S

    How to regularly get the number of connected clients?

    Hello -Version: 5.5.2-944 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK: 2.0.170 Is there a way to regularly get the number of connected clients to show (maybe update every minute) in my Vue.js based webapp? Best, Thomas
  14. V

    Черный экран при воспроизведении удалённого потока (android)

    Добрый день. Использую библиотеку wcs-android-sdk- Версия на сервере 5.2.631. Имеется экран, на котором находится два SurfaceViewRenderer. Один для локального поток, второй для удалённого. В связке эмулятор-эмулятор, все работает отлично. В связке эмулятор-живой девайс на...
  15. M

    Color issue - broadcasting black & white

    Some of our broadcasters started to experience problems in the video color. The publisher playback video is fine, but when broadcasting through Flashphoner servers, the subscriber receives the image with a different color profile/problem (black, white and purple image). We could reproduce it...
  16. G

    RTSP is not working with my server but running with demo flashphoner server

    My RTSP streaming getting failed with my WebCallServer 5.2.970. But when I checked it with the demo server, it's working fine. I have filed the remote support form also. Please help? Server Details: EC2 Instance - c5.large OS - Ubuntu WebCallServer - 5.2.970
  17. evgeniy.mukhin

    Флешфонер падает сразу после начала трансляции

    Добрый день. Используем флешфонер в режиме origin-edge. После обновления версии с 940 до 968 служба на origin падает через 1-2 секунды после начала трансляции. В логах причины падения службы не нашёл. Приложил лог.
  18. Mik

    Перестали работать iOS клиенты

    Добрый день Есть подозрение, что прошлое некое обновление IOS клиентов, после чего они (практически все) перестали писать видео. Помогите, пожалуйста, с разбором логов (прилагаю).
  19. M

    Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

    Hi We are getting so many "Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.flashphoner.fpwcsapi.webrtc.MediaConnection.setMediaConnectionListener(com.flashphoner.fpwcsapi.webrtc.MediaConnectionListener)' on a null object reference" in our Android...
  20. M

    JS SDK - Playback doesn't work until cache is cleared

    Hi! Some of my customers are not getting the stream to work until they open it in a new private tab or clear their browser cache. The issue is coming and going, so it might be working first and then not work the second time they open the stream. Only a small portion of viewers are having this...