
  1. Pin

    Problem with WCS on AWS E2

    Hi, First, I'm newbie on AWS. I have setup EC2 with Elastic IP and new domain name. Both are work as normal, it can access from the internet. But, I have problem on Streamer menu after Start, it runing the error "Failed by ICE timeout" Here is all allowed inbound ports. Please advice...
  2. I

    Изображение с камеры сильно фризит при переключении вкладки.

    Здравствуйте. Версия v.2.0.198-5.2.1031 Через приложение публикуем стрим. Также, через приложение на другом браузере и ПК, его воспроизводим (микшированный поток с Edge). Воспроизводится всё относительно нормально (с небольшими фризами) до тех пор, пока публикующий не переключит вкладку...
  3. S

    audio not working when using Safari and Web SDK (Firefox and Chrome are fine)

    Hello version: 5.2.944 WebSDK: 2.0.198 I am using WebCallServer 5 (hosted on AWS) to broadcast a stream to a webapp (Vue.js) using theWebSDK. I have the issue that in Safari (iPhone, iPad and MacBook) audio streaming doesn't work (there is just no audio). When using it together with a video...
  4. J

    Error in Starting WebRTC server

    I'm seeing below errors (Flashphoner is installed on AWS Linux ARM instance): 08:42:09,475 ERROR FFAudioGenericCodec - main Can not load lib: fpaj java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.1031-aa61467f4f8b95d229f3faaa04f6c6e8d43c388d/lib/so/
  5. sangsoo

    I want to loop playback of "vod://~.mp4" file.

    Hello. I want to loop automatically when the "vod://" file is finished playing. It would be nice to have a setting like "vod_live_loop=true" like "vod-live://" playback. Is it possible to add...
  6. P

    Поддержка RTMPS

    Здравствуйте, с точки зрения клиентского соединения, есть ли поддержка RTMPS? Все примеры на Flash/Flex используют только RTMP.
  7. sangsoo

    The 2nd Join event does not occur in the conference.

    Hello. This symptom occurs when Room Join has not yet been published. (If you use “http://“, the symptom is easily reproduced because it is not published.) -----Version info----- wcs_version=5.2.1022-de64fe5ba1af8064f820a3293993e00df7929ea6...
  8. T

    Ошибка запроса статистики качества cdn/stats/print

    Добрый день 1. При запросе /cdn/stats/print в формате json выдается ошибка: { "exception": "", "path": "/rest-api/cdn/stats/print", "error": "Internal Server Error", "message": "No serializer found for class and no...
  9. R

    Stream from a local file

    Is there any option to stream from a local file(mp4), or the file should be on the server? If so, how can I upload a file to the server?
  10. sangsoo

    2nd publish fails when using conference(Room API)

    Hello. When using conference(Room API), it fails from the 2nd publish. demo : /client2/examples/demo/streaming/conference/conference.html -----Version info----- wcs_version=5.2.1022-de64fe5ba1af8064f820a3293993e00df7929ea6 wcs_client_version=2.0.195-71b07a8b88011c6a7afb9b95d7e19b7da7084b96 1...
  11. F

    Flashphoner DNS issues ?

    hello we've been using flasphoner on a ubuntu vm for months now with no issue , then it stopped working for no apparent reasons. I tried to roll back to a previous snapshot, uninstall , reinstall with no success . I cannot find what prevented the service from running . We use it for rstp to...
  12. T

    Stream is not playing

    While i am checking the stream I am getting the error like session is not initialized or terminated on play ordinary stream.
  13. S

    Stream Conferencing & Mixing

    Hi Max, Due to a specific use case we are using Stream Conferencing > then Mixing all the participants > Republishing the combined stream to YouTube this much is working fine. Here we have a query - 1. to add multiple users to Mixer I am querying flashphoner API /stream/find_all then...
  14. N

    Unpublish event duplication

    Добрый вечер! Столкнулись с проблемой задваивания события при анпаблише стрима, бэкэнд хукает дважды StreamStatusEvent. Подскажите были ли жалобы на такое поведение?
  15. S

    Chrome Android 11 ICE Timeout

    Hi! When I'm trying to connect to stream to my server (via wss, using WEB SDK), all it's right except in Chrome of Android 11 (only Android 11) with an "ICE Timeout" error. With any other device (included iOS, Android 10 or under and Computer), all it's correct without any problem. Is there any...
  16. M

    HLS stream behind Load Balancers

    Hi, Using WCS, WebRTC is pushed to server and it is played through HLS. Everything works great but when HLS is served through the Load balancer endpoint (more than one server is active), there was an issue in IOS where HLS stream gets freezed and plays some seconds later. After debugging, it...
  17. S

    How to disable anonymous viewing of the statistics?

    Hello -Version: 5.5.2-944 (Amazon AWS) -WebSDK: 2.0.170 How can i disable viewing stats without http/https anonymously http://host:8081/?action=stat https://host:8444/?action=stat Best, Thomas
  18. B


    I'm lost. I have a gstreamer pipeline that works successfully into VLC, ANT Media, and Wowza. But Flashphoner won't seem to connect. What am I doing wrong? gst-launch-1.0 -e -v nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ee-mode=0 sensor-mode=1 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720...
  19. A

    Падение службы origin при запуске stress publish stream

    Добрый день.Служба падает при разных вариациях цифр. Точного кейса нет, воспроизводится редко. При сборе дампа трафика воспроизвести не удалось . (Ссылку на гугл диск с логами прилагаю)
  20. A

    Stress Publish Stream

    Добрый день. Тестируем через "Console" , "Stress Publish Stream" . Хотим добиться пцбликации, например 100 потоков какое-то время. По аналогии с pull streams. Запускаем поток на нагрузочном сервере(5.2.903) и его копии передаем на origin(5.2.940) Запускаем тест Start 1 End 100 Rate 10 Init...