
  1. wyvasi

    Services stop working after 1 week

    Good day! Services stop working after 1 week. I have looked into the logs but I didn't notice anything strange. Services stopped working on 3 out of 4 servers and we run WCS inside docker. I added a report. Thanks!
  2. M

    License error after updating WCS

    Hello! I have a monthly paid license since ages (including sip features). But after updating the WCS from 5.2.591 to 5.2.1054 I always get licence errors in my logs (and cannot use the WCS of course). I had switched from the old to the new installed version first by cd...
  3. I

    Вопрос по SDP.

    Здравствуйте. В SDP обнаружили такую строку - m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 110 112 113 126 (Сообщение - publishStream, оригинальный (не микшированный) поток.) Для видео есть аналогичная строка. Везде публикуем и воспроизводим по TCP. Скажите, пожалуйста, что в...
  4. D

    Конференции на Raw WebSocket API

    Добрый день. Пишем проект на Unity. Необходимо соединить по видеосвязи несколько человек. Так как нет подходящих SDK, используем Raw WebSocket API. Насколько я понял, соединение к видеопотокам происходит по имени (поле name в запросах publish, unpublish, play, stop) причем 1 к 1. Чтобы...
  5. A

    Java version

    Hi there, We have an offline license of WCS installed with java version "1.8.0_161" and it was running OK, but somehow an update was run and updated the java to java version "1.8.0_282" and now the WCS page is not appearing although it is showing that the service is running but no listening...
  6. houbig


    Добрый день, вопрос по event-ам для Web SDK. Есть ли возможность получить флаг об успешном создании стрима, но до начала записи? Я использую WCS для записи и хотелось бы предупредить пользователя о том, что запись начнется через скажем 3 секунды и по истечению времени запустить запись стрима.
  7. P

    JS muteVideo on Safari

    Hello, 1. on Monterey Safari 15.1 MacBook Pro the muteVideo command crashes the browser. This happens only when there is a single built-in FaceTime camera. If we add a second camera (USB) - no crash occurs. Other browsers don't crash with single/multiple cameras (Chrome, Opera, FF, Edge). 2. On...
  8. T

    Video Streaming Corruption

    Hello We have an issue were a number of users have been getting corrupted videos using the stream publishing but we are unable to figure out why or re-create it. We think one of the factors may be the OS - Browser, Windows 10 - Chrome, as they all have the same user agent, however when we...
  9. D

    MCU Client Publish

    Does anyone have any experience getting the publish side of this to work using a POST after starting the stream?
  10. D


    I'm running the MCU client example: Seems to work nicely, but where / how can I see the output mosaic published through RTMP? I do not see any docs explaining where to find this on Flashphone's site...
  11. D

    Problem Running Screen Sharing Example

    I am trying to run the screen-sharing demo locally on a Mac. For some reason, when I click the "connect" button, it doesn't do anything. But when running your demo, from your site, it does work. In the browser debugger, I see this: Which is here in screen-sharing.js: Why might this be...
  12. Y

    Unable to login as admin

    Hi, I have an WCS at AWS and I can't login to the admin account with the user/pass of admin/<ec2-instance-id> This instance is created from an AMI that was created from an AWS marketplace WCS. [1] How can I login to the admin account? [2] Is there a way to replace the current SSL certificate...
  13. djuka

    ChatRoom no video

    Hello, I tried VideoChat code from client2 on my local environment and I can't get video in the application. Connection is established but no local video in the frame. Then I used your and section VideoChat to try my server and I found that does not work even on your demo...
  14. evgeniy.mukhin

    Рассинхронизация аудио и видео

    Добрый день. Периодически начали появляться рассинхронизации аудио и видео. Сначала появилось заикание потом расинхронизация до 100к миллисекунд. Подскажите, с чем может быть связано. Отчет прилагаю.
  15. M

    letsencrypt iOS certificate failing wss

    Hi all, it seems that something has changed with letsencrypt last night. Our apps that use Flashphoner on iOS has stopped working and we have many customers complaints. We have renewed the SSL certifcate succesfully but the iOS app still fails. To be exact we have this error message: Websocket...
  16. S

    Latest version not available via Amazon marketplace (only 5.2.944-systemd246 available)

    Hi I wanted to install the latest version, but the only version that i can run on the Amazon marketplace is 5.2.944 The link that i use is: Best, Thomas
  17. S

    Embedding iframe player, audio-only mode available?

    Hello version: 5.2.944 I am using WebCallServer 5 (hosted on AWS) and want to embed the player via an iframe. As i sometimes have an audio-only stream, i would like to only show the controls and no video player. How is that possible (i was looking for a flag like "audio-only" to pass to the...
  18. Pin

    Stream Recording - No link after Start and Stop

    Hi, I used WCS on AWS. After I use Stream Recording feature. Last time after I press start and stop button. I will appear the link on bottom of right display. I check on console log. It show FOUND WEBRTC CACHED INSTANCE, id 627eef10-16cf-11ec-9a3b-2b568df2e798-LOCAL_CACHED_VIDEO Please help Pin
  19. D

    WCS EC2 Flashphoner crash

    Hi all, I'm using flashphoner perfectly from some months now. It all works good, and I installed the SSL certificate successfully. Unfortunately, I'm facing an issue some times. The istance in AWS looks fine and "running" but I can't connect to...
  20. P

    Принудительное изменение разрешения видео стрима

    Добрый день. Скажите, если в нашей схеме есть origin + edge на edge сервере используются параметры cdn_point_of_entry = ORIGIN_SRV_IP cdn_origin_allowed_to_transcode=true force_client_requested_video_resolution = false disable_streaming_proxy = false...