
  1. P

    Asterisk with flashphoner simultaneous extention call not working and outbound call ring tone not playing

    Hello, We are using flashphoner with asterisk freepbx. We have two majer problem: 1. When extentions try to call eachother over flashphoner 2 or more simultaneous connection can't establish. Just one call can establish and others get not extention avaliable response. We tried similar scenario...
  2. auronsan14

    youtube multistream

    seems youtube rejected the multistream I dont know why after 30 seconds got closed. but via obs work normal ``` { "mediaSessionId": "", "streamName": "rtmp_73fe7866-d8a3-47df-a998-db60945006fd", "rtmpUrl": "rtmp://", "rtmpFlashVersion"...
  3. P

    after update can't start wcs again

    Hello, I updated flashphoner wcs using this documentation: after successfully update, I couldn't start again.
  4. hyuk

    The video is saved regardless of the option.

    When publishing in flashphoner, the record option is set to true/false to operate variable. It works normally on our test server (wcs 5.2.912). However, in other servers (wcs 5.2.1109), the video is saved regardless of the option. Can you figure out why it is saved unconditionally regardless of...
  5. P

    Ошибка SDP при публикации

    И снова здравствуйте. Возникла довольно специфичная проблема. Существуют две среды нашей платформы: разработка и тест. WCS функционирует по CDN на обоих. Конфигурации изначально отличались, но сейчас приведены к общему виду. Суть в чём: во время публикации трансляции с нашей платформы на origin...
  6. T

    Issues Testing WCS on Google Cloud Platform

    Hello I've been following the Flashphoner document here with regards to deploying and testing a WCS on the Google Cloud Platform. Following the instructions in the document I managed to start up a WCS and log into it however when I tested the streaming functionality it returned with an instant...
  7. P

    SRT протокол для CDN

    День добрый. Столкнулся с проблемой функционирования Flashphoner CDN по протоколу SRT. При переключении настройки "cdn_transport" на обоих инстансах (origin и edge) на значение "srt" перестаёт быть возможным воспроизведение трансляции с edge. Сервисы webcallserver живы на обоих, конфигурации в...
  8. E

    Playing recorded mp4 file using VLC

    Hi I down loaded a stored mp4 file from my server when I try and play file in VLC or other media players it says format not recognized, what am I doing wrong Thanks
  9. E

    Recording RTSP stream

    Hi could you help me i want to record rtsp stream as i view, it I believe if i set record_rtsp_streams=true on server then when i view rtsp stream it will be recorded and saved on server as mp4 file my question when viewing rtsp stream how do i get file name and location of saved file i need to...
  10. ahmed_foda

    embed player failing

    I'm trying to use the embedded player in my website, the stream link works fine in site so it's tested but when trying to add it to the embedded player the player fails. can anyone help please it urgent
  11. kiri11-mi1

    Не могу запустить в докере

    Всем привет, я недавно получил ключ лицензии для тестового запуска флешфонера. Я хочу запустить webcallserver в docker'е, работаю на windows 11. Юзаю эту документацию -> Всё делал как в ней. Проблема в том, что я не могу...
  12. KirillMosiyenko

    SIP Failed но клиент Esteblished

    Добрый день! Через SIP PHONE пытаюсь подключиться к СИП серверу Астериск. Пишет что подключение Esteblished но не работает. При звонке FAILED Данные для теста Sip login 101 и 103 PSW 12345
  13. hyuk

    mobile ios 15.1 safari publish error

    There is a problem when broadcasting live with this sample. Versions below mobile ios 14 do not seem to have any problems. The page is reconnected without any errors before the camera is connected. If I put h264 in stripcodecs it works. What is the problem? When transcoding, the cpu share is...
  14. DeanSLR

    AdapterJS is not defined

    Hey, I'm using the SDK with Vuejs and I'm getting the error: ReferenceError: AdapterJS is not defined at Object.init. I've done npm install multiple times and still this issue persists. anyone know how to solve? thanks
  15. auronsan14

    how to achieve CanvasStreaming to 1080p

    currently we use canvas streaming const constraints = { audio: false, video: false, customStream: canvStream.current, }; session .createStream({ name: streamName, display: localVideo.current, constraints, cacheLocalResources: true...
  16. S

    docker image multi_arch x86/arm64

    Hi, Do you guys planning to release a multi arch image for x86 and ARM architectures ? Or are thee a arm64 version of docker image ? best regards Piotr
  17. auronsan14

    OBS to RTMP Flashphoner to push/startup failed

    while publishing from obs failed when try add push startup with same name [ { "appKey": "flashStreamingApp", "sessionId": "", "mediaSessionId": "9a991c81-7b5f-4f51-aa5e-464f44e837c1", "name": "stream1", "published": true, "hasVideo": true...
  18. N

    I cannot play rtmp from one of my servers

    attacching the error from ffmpeg . What could be the problem?
  19. Dani

    unable to mux webm

    everything worked ok until Dec 5, then - whenever I try to mux the flashphoner output I get this error: ffmpeg -i sh.webm -itsoffset -0.05 -i sh_s.webm -r 30 test.mp4 ffmpeg version 3.4.9 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 4.8.5 (GCC) 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)...
  20. P

    Incoming voice issue on webrtc sip call

    Hello, We have an issue while using demo interface for testing. In the phone interface we entered our sip details and made call. The voice of mine is going well to called user, however the voice of tha user is not well in our side. The voice is not understandable, not clear and dashed. Is...