
  1. S

    RTMP Signal to RoomApi

    Hi! Is it possible to inject a rtmp stream in a conference room? I am using the RoomApi and I am able to send a RTMP signal to the WebCall Server and I am able to view the rtmp signal in a WebRTC - Player. My issue is, is it possible to get this signal into an existing Room created over the...
  2. hyuk

    record issue

    hi.. The video was transmitted normally, but there is no saved video, so please contact us. The video was transmitted from the room with the room name 230524G8zIGOsk and the transmitted video was confirmed. But there is no saved video. Is there anything that could be the cause? The video...
  3. sangsoo

    Problem joining the same Room twice with the same name while hooking RoomApp

    Hi there. I am hooking the RoomApp ConnectionStatusEvent to handle abnormal termination (chrome tab closing) while joining a conference (Room). Basically, it works fine, but there is a problem when joining the same Room twice with the same name. -----Version info-----...
  4. S

    Conference host and participant limitation

    Hi team, I have below query on conference section. 1) Is there any way to identify the conference host and participant (like, who is host of the conference and who are the participant of the conference). 2) We want to restrict the number participant to join the conference, for example we...
  5. hyuk

    The ROOM_EVENT.PUBLISHED event occurred, but the video cannot be played.

    Hi, It may be a slightly vague question. I tested it on two flahphoner servers, but the results are wrong. Server A - 5.2.795 WCS, coturn server Server B - 5.2.945 WCS, coturn server When the "ROOM_EVENT.PUBLISHED" event occurs on the video receiving side, the participant's stream is played...
  6. sangsoo

    How to get real-time stat information of conference

    hello. We did a load test referring to a recent blog post. 1. What kind of server do you need to run a thousand WebRTC streams? 2. 10 Important WebRTC Streaming Metrics and Configuring Prometheus + Grafana Monitoring 3. WebRTC Back and Forth -----Version info-----...
  7. Pantez

    Trouble with make connect to WCS

    I use this code to make a connection to my WCS server But when i run ,it always show me an error about this connect It's seem connect function didn't receive any response info from my WCS server . ( I try with another WCS server and my code work like a charm) Any wrong with my WCS server config ?
  8. D

    Конференции на Raw WebSocket API

    Добрый день. Пишем проект на Unity. Необходимо соединить по видеосвязи несколько человек. Так как нет подходящих SDK, используем Raw WebSocket API. Насколько я понял, соединение к видеопотокам происходит по имени (поле name в запросах publish, unpublish, play, stop) причем 1 к 1. Чтобы...
  9. djuka

    ChatRoom no video

    Hello, I tried VideoChat code from client2 on my local environment and I can't get video in the application. Connection is established but no local video in the frame. Then I used your and section VideoChat to try my server and I found that does not work even on your demo...
  10. S

    Removing Participant's during Conference

    Hi, Max, We are planning on creating a functionality where a meeting host should be able to remove a participant or Mute them forcefully if requires, is there any way to do that ?
  11. sangsoo

    The 2nd Join event does not occur in the conference.

    Hello. This symptom occurs when Room Join has not yet been published. (If you use “http://“, the symptom is easily reproduced because it is not published.) -----Version info----- wcs_version=5.2.1022-de64fe5ba1af8064f820a3293993e00df7929ea6...
  12. sangsoo

    2nd publish fails when using conference(Room API)

    Hello. When using conference(Room API), it fails from the 2nd publish. demo : /client2/examples/demo/streaming/conference/conference.html -----Version info----- wcs_version=5.2.1022-de64fe5ba1af8064f820a3293993e00df7929ea6 wcs_client_version=2.0.195-71b07a8b88011c6a7afb9b95d7e19b7da7084b96 1...
  13. S

    Stream Conferencing & Mixing

    Hi Max, Due to a specific use case we are using Stream Conferencing > then Mixing all the participants > Republishing the combined stream to YouTube this much is working fine. Here we have a query - 1. to add multiple users to Mixer I am querying flashphoner API /stream/find_all then...
  14. ulquiorra

    Вопрос по передаче событий и условной синхрон.

    Есть цепочка поднятая на основе данной статьи , есть желание организовать викторину через стрим, вроде квизов что ли. Стример задает вопрос, предлагает варианты ответа на него. Собирает со стороны зрителей ответы. Дальше оглашает правильный...
  15. Alex966413

    Изменения в файле на стороне Флешфонера

    Можно ли внести изменения? Изменения нужны в этом файле: Метод ДО: //participant helpers function play(streamName) { return function (display) { var stream = session.createStream({name: streamName, display...
  16. sangsoo

    Conference(Room API) function as ASG

    Hello. I want to configure Conference(Room API) in amazon ASG environment. Test order. 1. Configure ASG with (CNAME). 2. Run 5 WCS servers (EC2 Instance) on (CNAME). 3. "Bill" joins An Invite link containing will be created (*) 4. "'Steve" joins the Invite link...
  17. Artem Shabanov

    Стриминг через chat rooms

    Добрый день! Мне нужно сделать стриминг с чатом на примерно 300 зрителей с возможностью сохранения истории сообщений в чате, возможно ли это все сделать через room api, как представлено в этой статье?
  18. Artem Shabanov

    Проблема с chat rooms

    Добрый день! Захотел добавить чат в проект на React, установил npm-пакет @flashphoner/websdk, скопировал в проект код из демо, но выдает ошибку
  19. R

    Android SDK. Отправка данных через метод send

    Добрый день! Открыли сессию для appKey livechat. Пытаемся отправить данные методом send (см скрин). Почти все получается, даже хук срабатывает, но в логах вот такое: 21:11:23,150 INFO RestClient - API-ASYNC-pool-13-thread-442 SEND REST OBJECT ==>...
  20. R

    Android SDK appKey для чата

    Добрый день Как задать appKey для чата? В методах Room и RoomManager нет ничего похожего, однако при событии onConnect получаем что подключение идет к defaultApp. Есть что-то типа setRoomConfig в Message, но он принимает Map и не понятно как им пользоваться.