
  1. G

    Flashphoner Error

    Hi, The wss url (wss:// is not working, it's failing while connect. If is there also any support mail id, please share. Error log: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown at...
  2. Fiji

    Не работает rest api rest-api/pull/pull при нагрузочном тестировании

    Добрый день. Есть два сервера, первый с полной лицензией, второй с демо. 1. Публикую поток video1 на первом сервере wss://server1.priv:8443 2. в приложении streaming/console добавляю свои два сервера, захожу на второй сервер 3. Нажимаю Pull stream задаю параметры WCS address...
  3. alexey

    SSL сертификаты: Сервер не смотрит в файл wss.jks

    Добрый день! задача: Требуется обновлять сертификаты letsencrypt и автоматически генерировать wss.jks используем скрипт используем инструкцию по keytool и выпуску сертификатов
  4. kip9696

    WebRTC is not visible in provider

    Hi! I am currently making an WebRTC player, If I create a player on the local server, WebRTC looks good But WebRTC is not visible when I upload the source to the server Please refer to picture below [local] [server] The source and connection environment of both are the same Answer please...
  5. A

    Unable to access server after ssl cert update

    Hi there, We tried to update the (Letsencrypt) SSL certificate on the server, after doing that we are unable to access the WCS main webpage on 8444 port neither from LAN nor from domain name ... kindly assist Thanks for assistance AB
  6. Al_Ku

    iPad не подключается к WCS

    Здравствуйте! Имеется свежая установка WCS v. Установлен на VPS CentOS 7. Демонстрационная лицензия. Демонстрационные приложения в Chrome в CentOS и Android открываются и работают нормально (тестирую two way streaming). При открытии...
  7. S

    Cloudflare DNS for webcallserver

    When we put the DNS of a webcallserver domain on Cloudflare, will it still work? Cloudflare uses its own certificates for domains and proxied ip's. How will this affect WCS ? Will it still be necessary to import a certificate in WCS and how can we do this if we do not have control over the SSL...
  8. V

    Install error

    Hi there!, I´m trying to install like on the previous versions and I´m getting an error with the last one. I´m installing from your EC2 AMI, everything fine, but then calling certbot get this error: [ec2-user@ip-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX- tools]$ ./certbot-auto certonly --debug Sorry, I don't know how to...
  9. aledg

    https custom domain AWS

    Hi guys, I've set my WCS server on AWS and test it with public DNS like https://aws-dnspublic-domain:8888 - DONE (with invalid certificate SSL) I've set my custom domain like - DONE (with invalid certificate SSL) I've set my let's encrypt certificate inside WCS dashboard...
  10. T

    Security problem only on smartphones?

    Hello and thanks in advance for reading, newbie here. Of all the player options I feel more comfortable with the iframe embed because I couldn't get the other ones to work (I tried, and I recognize I must be doing something wrong). Well, currently I'm using this: <iframe...
  11. Srikanth

    I would like to integrate Flashphoner in Angular 5.

    I am getting this error, Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID. But in java-script trial version is working fine. But giving error in Angular(Typescript) Please help
  12. M

    SSL Certificat import through web interface

    Hi, I have some trouble importing my SSL certificate through the web browser interface. I bought a domain and attached a certificate to it. I'm running the server on a CentoOS server. I can Upload my certificat but it doesn't seems that it does anything. I changed my IP to my domain name...
  13. M

    SSL Installation issue - FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.687

    We are using flashphoner since 1 year, existing version was 5.1.xxxxx Now we are trying to install FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.687 on new server but we are unable to install SSL from web interface or from server. We will send SSH detail, Certificate and Web interface detail on support email...
  14. T

    Help with None of MediaProviders available

    I set up a laravel website with a self hosted player but I'm getting this error: None of MediaProviders available But when put the codes to a raw .html page, it works.
  15. R


    Hello! We are trying to PULL stream from another WCS server using API. We got 200 CODE return, but stream is not being played. Server A -> StandAlone -> User connect and stream webcam Server B -> PULL stream from server A. How to? We follow the documentation but not works.
  16. R

    Unknow CA Received fatal alert: unknown_ca at at at at...
  17. sangsoo

    WCS cannot be updated.

    Hi Max~ WCS cannot be updated. Webcallserver update fails now (with image). WCS server uses 14+ units in Amazon (standard 13, trial 1+), but the same symptom occurs in the tested server. Each server has a slightly different version of WCS. The webcallserver files in the bin folder and...
  18. PavelKey

    Ошибка net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID при старте стриминга

    После установки сервера, на демо стенде при запуске Streaming -появляется ошибка JS net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID Сервер пишет в лог Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown. Запускал сертбот для получения серта, но он на этапе верификации выдает ошибку -
  19. V

    Embed video is asking for Java?

    Hi there, thanks for the support, I embed a Rtsp on a Wix page directly from the Embed player page of the Gui. It works like a charm but only on computers with the Java installed. Anyone knows how to avoid this? Thanks for the support in advance1
  20. M

    Can someone help me install SSL on Flashphoner

    Can someone help me install SSL on Flashphoner? I hired the service through AWS and I can't install SSL. If someone does this service, can you send me a quote to help me on Skype?