WCS v. issue


Staff member
Do I need to change the content of index.php?
Yes. If you want to pass callee number from client rather to replace it on backend, you should comment this line in PHP script
//$incoming_data['callee'] = "10002";
In this case, callee field will be passed unchanged to SIP proxy. But this is less secure than changing callee on backend.
If you need to call to different numbers, consider to set up more backend applications, for example callee1, callee2 etc. You can switch between them while establishing a client session
var connectionOptions = {
urlServer: url,
sipOptions: sipOptions,
appKey: callee1
console.log("Create new session with url " + url);
Flashphoner.createSession(connectionOptions).on(SESSION_STATUS.ESTABLISHED, function (session) {


Staff member
And if the client number has been changed, then how can this line in PHP script Code?
This topic is about the ClickToCall case. In this case, you usually have only one callee number. So yes, if the callee number has changed, it should be changed in backend script.