Ice Servers


Is this correct? We are using credentials from DEMO of FlashPhoner TURN

function start() {
//check if we already have session
if (Flashphoner.getSessions().length > 0) {
} else {
//create session
var url = field('url');
console.log("Create new session with url " + url);

var options = {
urlServer: url,
mediaOptions: {
"iceServers": [
'url': "",
'username': "LOGIN",
'credential': "PASS"

options.mediaOptions.iceTransportPolicy = "relay";

$('#url').prop('disabled', true);
Flashphoner.createSession(options).on(SESSION_STATUS.ESTABLISHED, function(session){
//session connected, start streaming

Looking at console log, client side, we do not see any ICE Candidate on logs.


Staff member
Good day.
Is this correct? We are using credentials from DEMO of FlashPhoner TURN
Yes, this is correct. When you're using TURN server to connect to WCS, at WCS point the TURN server is the ICE candidate, not a browser. You can check it by collecting a traffic dump on WCS side then parsing STUN traffic in Wireshark.