Search results

  1. Max

    change wss default port

    Seems like channel bandwidth between server and publisher/player browsers in not enough to publish a desired resolution. Use lower resolution/bitrate and/or try to switch to TCP transport. Also check a client network conditions: do not use mobile 2G/3G, use 4G/LTE or WiFi or a wired connection.
  2. Max

    mixer question

    Mixer fails because of compact_media_port_usage=true. Please remove the option from and restart WCS.
  3. Max

    mixer question

    Please set media port range to default media_port_from=31001 media_port_to=32000 Disable RTP paced sender (we do not resommend to use it in production rtp_paced_sender=false Revert media_ports_auditor_interval to default (comment or remove from config) Then restart WCS. If this does not...
  4. Max

    mixer question

    The same credentials with the same result If you cannot provide an access, please restart WCS, reproduce the problem and collect the full report: Getting logs with script, then send the archive using this form
  5. Max

    mixer question

    Unfortunately, the server rejects SSH connection with Permission denied, please try again. Seems like either login or password is incorrect.
  6. Max

    mixer question

    Please provide SSH access to the server using this form.
  7. Max

    participant's video play issue

    Yes. A local internet service provider (or mobile network operator if used). So it's between the client and the server. A provider can use deep packet inspection (DPI) technology to filter traffic at UDP packets level. So client cannot establish TURN connection because network packets are...
  8. Max

    RTSP not working

    Hello, The demo server is working, RTSP can be played now.
  9. Max

    hevc & nvenc

    Good day. Since build 5.2.1579 it is possible to capture RTSP stream published by camera as H265: Capturing H265 RTSP stream Also, H265 MPEG-TS stream may be published: H265 publishing Note that H265 requires transcoding to play it as WebRTC. Chrome does not play H265 via WebRTC, only from media...
  10. Max

    H265 codec support

    Good day. Since build 5.2.1579 it is possible to capture RTSP stream published by camera as H265: Capturing H265 RTSP stream Also, H265 MPEG-TS stream may be published: H265 publishing
  11. Max

    RTSP Stream failed

    Good day. Since build 5.2.1579 it is possible to capture RTSP stream published by camera as H265: Capturing H265 RTSP stream
  12. Max

    Черный экран на iOS (трансляция с камеры)

    Добрый день. По поддержке RTSP камер с кодеком H265: в сборке 5.2.1579 добавлена возможность захвата RTSP потока, публикуемого камерой в кодеке H265. Подробнее здесь: Захват H265 RTSP потока
  13. Max

    my rtsp pull not working

    Good day. Since build 5.2.1579 it is possible to capture RTSP stream published by camera as H265: Capturing H265 RTSP stream
  14. Max

    participant's video play issue

    UDP TURN traffic may be blocked by provider, for example, by packet signature. We recommend to use TCP for relay.
  15. Max

    mixer question

    Good day. Seems like server cannot bind UDP port when mixer media session is created: Please check if ports 30000-33000/udp are not used by any other application on the server.
  16. Max

    Обновление sipOptions на лету

    Выглядит так, что от SIP стороны в INVITE SDP приходят кодеки speex 8000 и speex 16000, которые Chrome не может использовать одновременно Поэтому браузер не может применить SDP, которое предлагается сервером. В наших тестах (звонок с софтфона со следующими кодеками: Speex 8000, Speex 16000, GSM...
  17. Max

    Обновление sipOptions на лету

    Пришлите пожалуйста также лог консоли в Chrome браузере. Developer Tools > Network > domain Среди этих сообщений должен быть SDP конфиг.
  18. Max

    participant's video play issue

    Good day. STREAM_STATUS.FAILED is received if some error occurs during the stream playback, usually it means the stream with the certain name is not published. You can get a reason using stream.getInfo() method in event handler: participant.getStreams()[0].play(display...
  19. Max

    Flashphoner media device release

    Good day. We cannot reproduce the problem in Media Devices example from WebSDK build 2.0.228: after clicking Test button, then Release button, the camera turns off the signal light. So please check your custom code, may be there is no video tag in localVideo div when unmount event occurs.
  20. Max

    Обновление sipOptions на лету

    Выглядит так, что та сторона присылает кодек speex/8000. Такой кодек не поддерживается в браузере и бросает ошибку. 1. Попробовать выключить кодек speex на стороне сервера в конфиге codecs_exclude_sip=speex16 2. Снять дамп SIP трафика между WCS - сервером и внешним PBX...