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  1. Max

    Download SDKs buttons opens Atlassian page

    Hello We had docs automation issues. Some release notes links have been changed. iOS SDK Docs Release notes IOS SDK 2.6 Release...
  2. Max

    Urgent - Wss failed

    Hello Make sure port 8443 is listening and reachable: $ telnet 8443 telnet: could not resolve Name or service not known netstat -nlp | grep 8443 Make sure server is running: ps aux | grep java
  3. Max

    webrtc Stream going delay

    Yes. The configuration seems to be close to tested configs, so it can be used for 1000 viewers per one 720p stream Please read the articles: 1, 2, 3, the case description. The recommendations for a loaded origin or edge will be the same as for single server. You need 5 edge server of...
  4. Max

    webrtc Stream going delay

    You should use the same or more powerful config for a second server which emulates viewers. In this case you should use CDN (1 origin and 5 edge servers). Please look at this article and the technical docs.
  5. Max

    webrtc Stream going delay

    What server configuration do you use? What is the source stream parameters? Do you test according to the method described in the article? Usually, we do not recommend more than 2000 subscribers per one server. Also, we recommend to use a hardware dedicated server for high load, not virtual. Note...
  6. Max

    webrtc Stream going delay

    Good day. Please read this article about a high load tuning and testing: What kind of server do you need to run a thousand WebRTC streams?
  7. Max


    Проблема исправлена в сборке 5.2.1609.
  8. Max

    After 2K connections no more users able to connect stream

    You should use CDN to accept a maximum viewers number per one server that can be stable handled. 2000 subscribers per server is a common recommendation in this case. One server (physical or virtual) is one CDN node (origin, transcoder or edge). You cannot combine two CDN roles at one server...
  9. Max

    Вопрос по статье

    Здравствуйте. function init_page() { Flashphoner.init({}); localAudio = document.getElementById("localAudio"); remoteAudio = document.getElementById("remoteAudio"); connect(); } Здесь вы задали remoteAudio - это Div - элемент, в который будет примонтирован <video> элемент...
  10. Max

    WebRTC - RTCPeerConnection.onconnectionstatechange выстреливает RTCPeerConnection.connectionState = 'disconnected' без какой либо причины

    Добрый день. Воспроизводится ли проблема в последней сборке WebSDK 2.0.228 в примере Two Way Streaming с последней сборкой WCS 5.2.1606?
  11. Max

    After 2K connections no more users able to connect stream

    1. Remove the following lines because we do not recommend to use this obsoleted feature. 2. Seems you limit a maximum video bitrate to 10 kbps The values are very low. In this case, server will send REMB to a publishing client permanently, this increase publisher channel load. Anyway, 10 kbps...
  12. Max

    After 2K connections no more users able to connect stream

    Good day. If no setup was changed, and server load is the same as in previous tests, it seems like channel bandwidth is decreasing. Please try to switch to TCP transport and check the player channel as described here while testing.
  13. Max

    Ios SDK Lagging More than 3 seconds

    Good day. Try to use lower resolution/bitrate for stream publishing or switch to TCP transport to publish/playback the stream on iOS device. Also, make sure you are using the same network in case of Android and iOS testing (the same Wi-Fi, or the same mobile operator with 4G/LTE)
  14. Max

    webcallserver docker run 8444/admin not connecting

    Good day. You should either accept security exception in browser when connecting a first time to the server or use a domain name with a valid SSL certificates. Certificates should be imported as described here. You can also mount a configuration folder (see Volumes reference) with wss.jks file...
  15. Max

    Ошибка Failed to process remote sdp InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote answer s

    Проверьте, что проблема воспроизводится в примерах SFU Client и SFU Two Way Streaming. Если да, то соберите отчет, как описано здесь и пришлите, используя эту форму. Если нет, модифицируйте код примера так, чтобы проблема воспроизводилась, и пришлите код на проверку.
  16. Max


    Воспроизвели проблему. Зависит от настроек VLC. Некоторые версии пытаются играть напрямую RTP/UDP и поэтому в них не работает, как в вашем случае. Некоторые версии пытаются играть RTP/UDP и переключаются через некоторое время на RTP/TCP Т.е. плеер должен играть сразу по RTP/TCP (чекбокс)...
  17. Max

    Filter Rest API Streams & Terminate by Custom Data

    REST API queries support filtering by mandatory fields, but custom object is optional. Also, we can't make a supposition about custom object contents, every customer may use its own form.
  18. Max


    Проверили Ваш сервер. При публикации WebRTC поток в VLC по RTSP играет: Однако Вы используете VP8 как предпочитаемый кодек для публикации. Это означает, что для проигрывания потока по RTSP по умолчанию будет включаться транскодинг VP8->H264. На тестовом сервере всего 1 vCPU, поэтому его...
  19. Max

    SSL и Android

    Эта документация относится к Android SDK 1.0. В Android SDK 1.1 эта опция, как и весь код класса X509TrustManager, была удалена в связи с тем, что приложения с использованием Android SDK 1.1 перестали проходить проверку при публикации в Google Play, посокльку код этого класса был признан...