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  1. Max

    Тестирование сервера

    Добавьте следующий параметр в настройки обоих серверов (тестируемого и тестирующего): wcs_activity_timer_timeout=86400000 Тогда потоки в тестах не будут преждевременно завершаться.
  2. Max

    Отсутствие звука в iOS 14

    Добрый день! Уточните, пожалуйста, как именно вы тестируете? Публикуется ли аудио в поток? т.е. получает ли подписчик звук? Воспроизводится ли проблема в стандартных демо-примерах? Уточните пожалуйста, модель вашего iOS 14 устройства. Если возможно, дайте ссылку на ваш сайт для тестирования...
  3. Max

    Mixer feature request

    Hello 1. Regarding label position. Assume we use default CenterNoPaddingGridLayout. As you can see there is no place to move label outside of video frame. So moving labels would require full layout...
  4. Max

    Using Flashphoner to receive calls with "standard WebRTC"

    Hello If you mean SIP calls. There is a standard SIP over Websocket and this protocol is not supported in our product If you mean streaming. There is no "standard" WebRTC signaling implementation as I know. Though if you have a link to RFC or Draft where...
  5. Max

    Audio stream over RTSP problem on new system

    Yes, the report can be collected on any server where issue can be reproduced. Please request a trial license here (you can use another email which was not used to get trial before).
  6. Max

    Audio stream over RTSP problem on new system

    Please provide a stream from Aja Helo with the following parameters: - availability 24/7 - non still picture (a timer for example) - non silent audio (permanent music for example - bitrate no more than 2500 kbps to exclude channel bandwidth issues Then, we'll reproduce the issue on our...
  7. Max

    Video stuck from Mobile connections

    Usually, it is not necessary to ahange any server settings to adjust client parameters The recording size depends on video resolution, FPS and bitrate. So the lowest possible settings can be 320x240 picture resolution and 24 FPS. Maximum bitrate may be limited to 200 kbps. The lower values can...
  8. Max

    Publisher playback video black

    We reproduced the issue on Samsung device with our demo server and raised the ticket WCS-2933 to investigate and fix. Will let you know in this topic. As workaround, use Samsung Internet Browser for stream publishing, Two Way Streaming example works in this browser. About complaints from this...
  9. Max

    1080p RTMP

    On demo server, the default HLS settings are used. This means any stream to play as HLS is transcoded to 480p. WebRTC is playing without transcoding, video goes with resolution, fps, bitrate and codec unchanged. That's why HLS on demo server has a lower quality comparing to WebRTC. And, we have...
  10. Max

    Video stuck from Mobile connections

    Good day. Please remove low bitrate limit video: { maxBitrate: 400 } This allows browser to choose to lowest bitrate if channel quality drops, it may help to prevent video freezes Also you can switch to TCP transport room.publish({ display: display, constraints: constraints, record: false...
  11. Max

    Тестирование сервера

    Добрый день. Сначала попробуйте обычный pulling-тест, тот который не Stress. Пункт 6. Убедитесь что нужное количество стримов между двумя серверами устанавливается...
  12. Max

    Rest hook validation on version 5.2.791 broken WebRTC in iPhone

    This is what we can see from logs 11:57:08 INFO webrtc - {"audio":true,"video":{"width":{"min":320,"max":640},"height":{"min":240,"max":480},"frameRate":{"ideal":30}}} Try to disable normalization and set constraints as ideal publishStream = session.createStream({ ...
  13. Max

    Отсутствие информации о видео при публикации

    Используя событие StreamStatusEvent вы можете получить значение mediaSessionId. Затем, используя значение mediaSessionId, можно отправить REST запрос rest-api/stream/metrics к вашему WCS серверу и получить интересующие вас параметры потока. Пример REST запроса...
  14. Max

    Publisher playback video black

    Hello! Please specify the following information: Does a black screen appear on the publishing side? Or the viewer? On which models of smartphones and in which browsers does the problem appear most often? What operating system and browser do the publisher use to launch the broadcast? Have you...
  15. Max

    Ограничение на количество участников в MCU?

    Добрый день. В сборке 5.2.793 была добавлена возможность многопоточного микширования для оптимизации работы микшера в условиях большого количества участников. С Вашими настройками в наших тестах микшер на 30 участников играл плавно при следующих настройках оптимизации...
  16. Max

    ICE timeout

    Hello! Unfortunately, you have not provided useful information to understand your problem with the demo examples. Please, give SSH access to the WCS server, we will check . SSH credentials can be sent using a private form.
  17. Max

    Rest hook validation on version 5.2.791 broken WebRTC in iPhone

    Good day. We cannot reproduce the issue on iOS Safari (iOS 12.4.8 and iOS 14.0.1) with REST hook application just echoing request with 200 OK response. Please check if the issue can be reproduced using Two Way Streaming example. If not, please modify TwoWay Streaming application code minimally...
  18. Max

    1080p RTMP

    In both cases, is this a stream transcoded by the same profile? If yes, provide us SSH access with publishing/playback allowed to Origin, Transcoder and Edge servers, we will check and try to reproduce. You can send SSH credentials using this form. If no, please check what profile do you use in...
  19. Max

    Android and IOS mobile broadcasting in chrome not supporting

    Please check if AppRTC demo works on your phone and video stream from mobile can be played on desktop. If not, this is probably browser issue anad we can't handle it on Web SDK level. Please check publishing and playback in Media Devices example, this will show video packets sending and...
  20. Max

    Failed to parse SessionDescription

    Good day. The issue with audio only stream playback in latest Chrome is fixed in biuld 5.2.791. Please update and check.