Good day.
Please try to run the container using docker host network to publish stream from outside docker host:
docker run -e PASSWORD=password -e LICENSE=license -e EXTERNAL_IP=host_ip -e LOCAL_IP=host_ip --net host --name wcs-docker-test --rm -it flashphoner/webcallserver:latest
Here host_ip...
Good day.
If you mean mixer desktop layout, there is the ticket WCS-2752 to improve it (by your request in this thread). We raised its priority, please be patient.
Good day.
You can check if cerificate is imported successfully as follows:
1. On Certificates page, domain name should be displayed (see example for our demo site)
2. The browser should show certificate as valid
May be you should clean site cookies and/or open web admin interface in Incognito...
For this case, you can use another approach. You can impelement Java class to receive decoded frames on server side, then you can call python scripts from Java to handle the picture, and pass the picture to WCS again. This is not documented yet, so we raised the ticket WCS-2777 to prepare Java...
rest_access_control_headers setting has been added in WCS build 5.2.688.
E.g., for REST basic authentication CORS this can be added to WCS_HOME/conf/
rest_access_control_headers=Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <origin>;Access-Control-Allow-Credentials...
Please check if there have been OutOfMemory messages in WCS server log or /var/log/messages, and if there is an error*.log in WCS_HOME/logs.
In case it was an OutOfMemory issue, please see these recommendations.
Good day.
Please look at this thread. We do not support RTCMTLVideoView which is recommended as possible solution because this is still less stable than RTCEAGLVideoView. But you can try AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect to prevent distortion as topic starter does.
Пожалуйста, уточните версию браузера/ОС и проверьте следующее:
1. Список камер и микрофонов на странице примера Media Devices: сколько устройств в списке и есть ли они вообще там
2. Проверьте. работает ли публикация (не тест, а именно публикация, т.е. нажать необходимо Connect, затем Publish)...
"The license is activated" значит, что на WCS есть активированная лицензия. Если она истекла, то стриминг работать не будет (в логе сервера будут сообщения об истекшей лицензии).
Платформы и браузеры, поддерживаемые для публикации WebRTC.
То есть в одном и том же браузере на Win Media Devices...
Скрипт забирает логи за предыдущие 3 часа, и, поскольку снимает jstack и дамп памяти, использовать нужно после воспроизведения проблемы.
В прикрепленном выше логе сервера OutOfMemoryError - посмотрите, пожалуйста, рекомендации по настройкам.
Good day
If you've enabled TCP transoprt by default, TCP media ports should also be opened, but they're not according to your iptables output. So please enable TCP media ports 31000:32000/tcp.
Please also collect a report as described here including traffic dump on WCS side, docker container...
Good day.
Please note you should add the following parameter to file of Edge instance
for "http://wcs:8081/" health checking to work.
By default, HTTP GET request to WCS root returns 302 Found to redirect to web admin interface.
The manual...
Good day.
Please comment out the following lines in player.js
line 247
lines 272-282
$that.bind('click', function () {
if ( !stopped ) {
if ($clearTimeout) {
Starting from v. 5.2.687, path to directory for saving records can be configured with record_folder in, e.g.