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  1. Max

    AWS Marketplace AMI for CDN and autoscaling

    Yes, the servers using custom AMI may become useless unless the separate license is activated while creating this AMI.
  2. Max

    Issue with Video chat and Screen sharing (two way communication)

    We suppose the following workflow in this case: 1. The speaker publishes video (for example, speakerStream) and share its screen (for example, desktopStream). 2. All participants play speakers streams (speakerStream + desktopStream) with audio and video using constraints constraints...
  3. Max

    Не воспроизводится видеопоток в Safari

    Предоставьте постоянный (24/7) TeamViewer доступ к проблемному Macbook, а также доступ к веб-интерфейсу Вашего сервера для проверки. Доступы отправьте, используя эту ссылку
  4. Max

    Can you please link ticket WCS-2753 to my account

    You're right. We prepared the online doc about GCP load balancing with autoscale to clarify the isues mentioned in this topic.
  5. Max

    what is the codec of the Screen Sharing ?

    H.264 is used by default. Some devices and browsers do not support H.264 codec. In such a case VP8 is used. On WebRTC end you can remove all other codecs using stripCodecs option 1. On WebRTC client...
  6. Max

    AWS Marketplace AMI for CDN and autoscaling

    If you create an instance from marketplace AMI, then create a custom AMI from this instance, and then use this custom AMI as autoscale group base, Amazon can bill this incorrect. Yes.
  7. Max

    Caller ID Phone UI

    Good day. You can set the following session options: this.sipOptions = {}; this.sipOptions.login = $('#sipLogin').val(); this.sipOptions.password = $('#sipPassword').val(); this.sipOptions.authenticationName = $('#sipAuthenticationName').val(); this.sipOptions.domain =...
  8. Max

    Артефакты на видео

    Вы воспроизводили этот стрим в плеере с другого клиента во время записи, и артефактов не было? В таком случае необходим полный отчет, включая дебаговые логи публикации, дамп трафика на стороне сервера и сэмпл записи, снятые одновременно во время воспроизведения проблемы. Дамп трафика необходимо...
  9. Max

    AWS Marketplace AMI for CDN and autoscaling

    It cannot be used in autoscaling configuration as described in docs because Amazon billing can be incorrect for custom AMI. Using Cloud Formation can be solution (in this case Amazon declares their billing to be correct), but we working on it yet.
  10. Max

    streaming from ReactNative app

    We added the documentation about decoded frames interception and changing on server side. The Java interface class implementation is required, but you can also invoke python from Java if needed. Please note that pictures will be decoded only if stream transcoding is enabled, so you shoudl...
  11. Max

    AWS Marketplace AMI for CDN and autoscaling

    Good day. Yes, the marketplace WCS AMI can be used to deploy CDN. For autoscaling, you should buy and activate license on this step, or try to use AWS CloudFormation. We now working on documenting CDN setup with load balancing in ticket WCS-2797.
  12. Max

    Issue with Video chat and Screen sharing (two way communication)

    Yes. When mixer is used, a publisher (and all the participants) receives one stream. Otherwise, a publisher receives 99 streams. Even with 100 kbps per stream it requires 1 Gbps channel bandwith from publisher to server, so this will not work properly. Mixer allows to reduce streams count per...
  13. Max

    streaming from ReactNative app

    You should set bitrate on publisher side, not only frameRate. Please look at source code - (FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints *)toMediaConstraints { FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints *ret = [[FPWCSApi2MediaConstraints alloc] init]; ... if ([_sendVideo.control isOn]) {...
  14. Max

    Issue with Video chat and Screen sharing (two way communication)

    Yes, using MCU mixer. Please note that to publish screen share stream you should add the suffix "-desktop" to its name, for example "user1-desktop". In this case, a special layout will be used (screen sharing stream will be placed above the other streams): Anyway, please test MCU Client example...
  15. Max

    Issue with Video chat and Screen sharing (two way communication)

    Please clarify: 1. You mean 100 participants per one chat room? 2. How many video streams should be published simultaneously: 2.1. one from speaker and one from current participant, and these two streams are viewed by other participants 2.2 or every participant publishes its own stream, and...
  16. Max

    Артефакты на видео

    Пожалуйста, уточните, как именно контролировался стрим: локальное отображение на публикующем устройстве, воспроизведение с сервера на другом устройстве? Также уточните, что именно использовалось для публикации: браузер (WebSDK) или мобильное приложение (Android SDK)? Вероятно, Samsung Internet...
  17. Max

    Issue with Video chat and Screen sharing (two way communication)

    Do you enabled recording in stream publishing options as described here? For example room.publish({ display: document.getElementById("localDisplay"), constraints: constraints, record: true, /// This option should be enabled to record stream published ...
  18. Max

    freezes (but only when WCS output is UDP)

    Can you change encoder settings? If yes, try to set up lower resolution/bitrate on encoder side. Unfortunately, no. The most TURN servers supports RTP over UDP only. In this case, you have two options to reduce freezes: 1. Change encoder settings to lower resolution/bitrate 2. Transcode stream...
  19. Max

    Can you please link ticket WCS-2753 to my account

    Unfortunately, no. There is a three main types of Load balancers in Google Cloud Platform: 1. HTTP(S) Load balancer. It supports SSL management, but destination ports can be only 80, 443 and 8080. Also, it cannot forward requests to different instance ports based on protocol prefix (http, https...
  20. Max

    Артефакты на видео

    Откуда идет стрим? - Браузер, версия - Устройство, версия - Web SDK или мобильное приложение? Запись идет в webm. Специально так сконфигурировано? Обычно поток H.264 записывается в mp4. В вашем случае VP8 записывается в webm.