We have been utilizing the embedded player that comes with the WCS server install as an easy way to play streams in our web application. This has been working fine (quite well, actually) for over a year now, but it doesn't seem to work on Win 11 machines.
Dev console for Win 10:
Dev console...
Is there any option to add SSL? We subscribed to a Flashphoner EC2 instance, but we were unable to connect to the server using WinSCP and FileZilla. Consequently, we are unable to upload and download files. Is there any option to obtain Let's Encrypt SSL files? We can connect directly on the...
Hi there
The customer (a financial institute) wants to use Encrypted SSL certificate files for WCS, but when we try to upload this file it gives an error, however the unencrypted SSL file works OK, kindly let us know what's the process and how to upload the Encrypted SSL certificate file...
Hi Max, we have a problem with the renovation of the Certbot, when we try to import the privkey we see a warning and deny the renovation, we need help.
4 servers are going to stop for this.
Thanks in advance men!
i can connect to "server_ip:8081/admin/" and ws connecting test
but i want wss connecting test connect to "server_ip:8444/admin/" At docker run server
how to connect server_ip:8444/admin/ ?
Добрый день,
Нам пришло уведомления от DigiCert о переходе на second-generation (G2) root hierarchies. Они сообщают, что могут быть проблемы в случае:
Поскольку для нас скрыт процесс формирования файла wss.jks, который создается после загрузки сертификата и приватного ключа (мы это делает...
Добрый день. Как заменить ssl сертификат, если на web(https) зайти не могу(ssl просрочен), через http тоже не заходит (запреты http_enable_paths=rest,action,admin,shared,client,client_records,embed_player,empty,health-check - убраны )
I've uploaded crt and key files via admin->security->certificate
But I check the current certificate on the site and it is still the old ones.
Am I missing something ?
We have setup two server mapped domain and uploaded ssl certificate. Can you please check why wss connection is failed. Does 5.2.1261 version support transcoding service ?
Karan Bhansali
Hi ,
If we take SSL certificate e need to specify a domain name but in the dashboard page we are having domain name with ip address (https://instanceip:8444/admin/).But we need .com or .in for the domain name to obtain ssl certificate.So how should we proceed?
I've replaced the certificate on the server via admin.
The new certificate is showing on the 8888 port, but on the 18081 port that we use for playing it still has the old one.
How can I fix it ?
Hi all,
it seems that something has changed with letsencrypt last night. Our apps that use Flashphoner on iOS has stopped working and we have many customers complaints.
We have renewed the SSL certifcate succesfully but the iOS app still fails. To be exact we have this error message:
I am trying to renew my SSL by using the Certbot but getting the certificate but the following Msg, kindly assist
[root@xms tools]# ./certbot-auto
Your system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore.
certbot-auto and its Certbot installation will no longer receive updates.
You will not...
I'm trying to install a SSL certificate to my application.
I can acess to it from ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.eu-north-1.compute.amazonaws.com .
When I try to create a certificate for the server "ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xxx.eu-north-1.compute.amazonaws.com" it ask me for a email validation to...
Hello, my SSL certificates recently expired (autossl generated using hostgator cpanel), so I imported the new ones using the flashphoner web admin, following the same steps I did the first time I installed wcs. I didn't get any errors on the import, but now nothing is working. I am getting the...
Добрый день!
Подскажите, кто сталкивался, ОС Centos 8, при установке letsEncrypt выдаёт следующую ошибку
No match for argument: python27-devel
No match for argument: python27-virtualenv
No match for argument: python27-tools
No match for argument: python27-pip
Webplayer doesn't load in my website because of secure connection. I tried to change the ssl with cloudflare and letsencrypt but it didn't work. I followed these steps...
May I know what does the below error mean:
03:05:43,603 ERROR HttpServerHandler - HTTPS-pool-4-thread-22 HTTP error
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: not an SSL/TLS record: 0300002f2ae00000000000436f6f6b69653a206d737473686173683d41646d696e697374720d0a0100080003000000
Добрый день, некоторые наши тестовые пользователи сообщают что у них нет соединения нашего приложения с сервисом. Хотя интернет на устройстве присутствует.
Как правило Android режет незашифрованный трафик, если правила безопасности соединения не указаны в манифесте. Конечно, у нас приобретен ssl...