replaying WEBRTC stream with video tag in HTML5


He are seeing error in replaying webrtc stream with below video tag:

<div id="videoFrameContainer">
<video id='fp_embed_player' src=',MSE,WSPlayer?wmode=transparent&amp;rel=0' controls="controls"></video>

Iframe tag works though:

<div id="videoFrameContainer">
<iframe id='fp_embed_player' src=';rel=0?autoplay=1' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' allowfullscreen='allowfullscreen'></iframe>

Would appreciate if you can share the proper URL to have it working in video tag.


Staff member
Good day.
Unfortunately, there is no URL to play WebRTC in HTML5 video tag because it's impossible. You can either play WebRTC stream received directly by browser or play a static video file by setting its address in src attribute.
The Embed Player is intended to use in iframe tag only, or can be used as fullscreen player in browser tab when opened by link.


Is there an alternative HTML tag besides using iframe? we find it hard to format DIV with iframe tag in terms of video sizing and putting overlay on top.