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  1. Max

    Publish failed from global network

    Please provide SSH access to your server instance using this link, we will check.
  2. Max

    Is FlashPhoner a SFU server ?

    Good day. Yes, Flashphoner is SFU server in this terms. And no, it cannot be used with Unity render streaming package unless it will implement WCS Websoket API for signaling. Seems like Unity streaming client is compatible with its own server implementation only.
  3. Max

    Publish failed from global network

    Good day. If your server is in LAN behind the NAT, the media traffic ports range (31001-32000/UDP and TCP by default) on the server must be accesible from external network. Please check your router configuration to set up media port forwarding to WCS server. Please read details here.
  4. Max

    Issue with low connectivity

    In the case of a 0.5 Mbps channel bandwidth only 360p stream can be played with acceptable quality. In this case, the upper limit of the bitrate must be reduced for this resolution to 400 kbps, and the lower to 100 kbps. For WebRTC subscribers, we have a channel quality detector. Focusing on...
  5. Max

    Add delay to player

    Good day. As seen from you video sample, you have a big packet losses while playing RTMP stream. Then, you reconnect to play WebRTC, and there are no packet losses. May be it was channel issue? We tried to reproduce the issue with the latest WCS build, and can not reproduce. Please update to...
  6. Max

    Flashphoner aar file

    Good day. Please try to use wget as described in docs Note that you should replace 'x' character by latest build number from this page For example, now it is build, so you should replace 'x' by '13': wget...
  7. Max

    high quality stereo audio from server

    Good day. We fixed the issue with AAC to Opus transcoding while capturing RTSP with stereo audion and playing it as WebRTC in build 5.2.764. Please update and check.
  8. Max

    Can not build and run Android sample projs

    Good day. We do not recommend to use WSL because WSL 1.0 provides no virtualization. We also do not recommend to use WSL 2 which is based on Linux kernel on Hyper-V becuase it ir really slow. So please try to use classic VM (VirtualBox or VMWare) with Ubuntu. By the way, you do not need Linux to...
  9. Max

    Android SDK WebsocketNotConnectedException

    You can wrap websocket session establishing to try-catch, for example try { session = Flashphoner.createSession(sessionOptions); } catch (WebsocketNotConnectedException e) { mPublishStatus.setText("Websocket connection failed") }
  10. Max

    Issue with low connectivity

    Each broadcast creates a load on the channel corresponding to the bitrate. Bandwidth calculations are very simple 1 broadcast with a bit rate of 1Mbps takes 1 Mbps of a communication channel. For bad channels, you need to reduce the bit rate and stream resolution. If necessary, you can use...
  11. Max

    ICE Timeout on AWS Marketplace AMI

    No, we did not touch server setup. We tested the case on our AWS instances: TURN server (internal and external on the same instance) works with relay policy disabled and does not work with relay policy enabled, both for manually deployed instance and AWS Marketplace one. Without load balancer...
  12. Max

    demo.flashphoner не работает в Opera

    Скорее всего не поддерживает кодек H.264 Известные проблемы п. 6
  13. Max

    Android SDK WebsocketNotConnectedException

    Good day. This means application cannot establish websocket connection to WCS. Please check if WCS server you're trying to connect to is up and running, and Websocket ports 8080 and 8443 is not blocked.
  14. Max

    Recording - Screen + microphone + system volume

    Good day. Please read this article about minimal code sampe for screen sharing. To record screen share stream, you should add record: true option to createStream() function call: session.createStream({ name: "mystream", display: document.getElementById("screensharing"), constraints...
  15. Max

    Микширование видеопотока и аудио

    Результат микширования, в нашем случае, это один суммированный сигнал, который нельзя поделить, т.е. одна видео дорожка в потоке и одна аудиодорожка. Если мы правильно понимаем задачу, вы хотите добавить к одному видеостриму несколько звуковых дорожек и переключаться между ними на стороне...
  16. Max

    Swift Package Manager support

    Good day. Probably yes, but not sooner than iOS SDK will migrate to Swift (ticket WCS-2853). We raised the ticket WCS-2882, but this take a long time. Now, we're working on ticket WCS-2794 to update libwebrtc which should fix the issues with RTCEAGLVideoView.
  17. Max

    ICE Timeout on AWS Marketplace AMI

    Good day. We successfully published stream using credentials you provided Please note that we do not use relay option: - Using this code, stream is published Flashphoner.createSession({ urlServer: 'wss://webrtc-dev.********.***:8443', mediaOptions: { "iceServers": [{...
  18. Max


    Mixer REST API is the same for MCU and non-MCU mixers. Please see API details here
  19. Max

    Плохое качество видео потока.

    При демонстрации экрана без использования расширения для Google Chrome все параметры потока устанавливается не в соответствии с заданным в constraints при создании потока, а по размерам источника (экрана, окна или вкладки браузера) Для улучшения качества видео можно поднять битрейт Настройки...
  20. Max

    How to run ASG on Ec2 spec with more than recommended C4.large?

    1. Yes 2. The same indicators as like as for c4.large servers The problem in your test is not in server-to-server channel, the problem is in server-to-Mac channel. Have you tested channel with iperf3 from mariotrans server to your Mac? For example, in our test with your server, we have 10 times...