RTSP is not working with my server but running with demo flashphoner server


New Member
My RTSP streaming getting failed with my WebCallServer 5.2.970. But when I checked it with the demo server, it's working fine. I have filed the remote support form also. Please help?

Server Details:
EC2 Instance - c5.large
OS - Ubuntu
WebCallServer - 5.2.970


Staff member
Good day.
Seems you've done something wrong while unpacking installation archive. All the native libraries symlinks have zero size:

To fix the issue, do the following:
1. Stop WCS
sudo systemctl stop webcallserver
2. Download the latest WCS build
wget https://flashphoner.com/downloads/builds/WCS/5.2/FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.971.tar.gz[CODE]
3. Unpack downloaded archive
[CODE]tar -xzf FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.971.tar.gz
4. Change to 5.2.971 unpacked folder and run installation script
cd FlashphonerWebCallServer-5.2.971
sudo ./install.sh
This will update your installation to 5.2.971 (and will copy libraries symlinks). Your license and settings remains untouched in this case.
5. Start WCS
sudo systemctl start webcallserver
The server should work properly


New Member
Hey Max,
Now I have tried to add ssl but unable to login with admin/admin credentials. Saying "Forbidden" whereas demo/demo is working but need admin login to update ssl.

Please guide here too. Thanks in advance :)


Staff member
Now I have tried to add ssl but unable to login with admin/admin credentials. Saying "Forbidden" whereas demo/demo is working but need admin login to update ssl.
Please use EC2 instance Id as admin password.


New Member
Hey Max,
Thanks for the help!
I want to know that I had stopped my instance on the weekend and started again today and then started my webcall server. So I can't reach to my web interface of login on the server at port# 8444


Staff member
If instance has been stopped, IP address will be changed on next launch.
Know you public IP address and correct config /usr/local/FlashphonerWebCallServer/conf/flashphoner.properties
Then restart WCS server.

service webcallserver restart

Check private IP address too and correct if needed.