WebRTC stream not publishing in Firefox


WebRTC Stream publishing in firefox getting failed whereas it works in Chrome. When I checked with server logs, the stream failed due to "ICE timeout"
Please check the log messages below:

07:23:24,610 INFO Component - STUN-UDP-pool-44-thread-63 Add remote candidate for audio.RTP: xx.xx.xx.xxx:58801/udp/stun
07:23:24,610 INFO StunUdpSocket - STUN-UDP-pool-44-thread-63 Stun connection established, create remote candidate: audio/
07:23:38,562 INFO RtcMediaClient - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b Stop media session 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b
07:23:38,562 INFO MediaSession - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b Stop MediaSession id: 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b
07:23:38,562 INFO Agent - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b ICE state changed from Running to Terminated. Local ufrag 9e012fd0/9e58/11ea/b321/b5b64b9a859biqmn1e95bdt17
07:23:38,562 INFO ergingDatagramSocket - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b Closing.
07:23:38,562 INFO StunUdpSocket - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b Close socket
07:23:38,563 INFO ergingDatagramSocket - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b Closing.
07:23:38,563 INFO StunUdpSocket - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b Close socket
07:23:38,563 INFO MediaSession - IceTimeoutThread - 9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b '9e012fd0-9e58-11ea-b321-b5b64b9a859b' has been terminated
Thanks Max. Sent the mail with report logs.
Is this issue related to any websocket SSL with firefox? If it is so, "createSession" method should also fail. right?
But I can able to establish connection and stream publish is only not working.


Staff member
Is this issue related to any websocket SSL with firefox? If it is so, "createSession" method should also fail. right?
No, this is not related to websocket connection.
We checked logs. It seems like you're trying to publish from local network. In this case, please add the following parameter to flashphoner.properties file
If this does not help, please collect a report again including traffic dump
Max, you are awesome. Stream works in Firefox now.
May I know why that issue happened in Firefox but not in other browsers?


Staff member
May I know why that issue happened in Firefox but not in other browsers?
When WebRTC connection is establishing, on ICE stage, a server sends to client SDP with addresses and media ports to connect (candidates). By default, only external IP is added to SDP candidates list. Firefox probably is more strictly than Chrome, and requires to add local IP to candidates too.